TV Soaps: Ingo quarrels in "Alles was zählt" with his feelings

14:10, the first: red roses

In the dispute over the museum for her father even accuses Christian Amelie egoism. After all, Inken asks her daughter to tell her more about her ambitious hotel project, which she urgently needs money for. But Inken concludes that the one size is too big for Amelie. Full of disappointment at the renewed rejection, Amelie's anger at Inken flares up - until she is startled by herself.

15:10, the first: storm of love

Joshua upsets Annabelle so she is deeply disappointed and hurt. While Annabelle seeks comfort from her father, Denise assures her friend Henry that he does not have to worry. Tina is happy about Ragnar's selfless action. Since this is now in financial difficulties, he comes up with an overarching idea. Tina is outraged and taken by surprise. Will she still help Ragnar?

17:30, RTL: Below us

Eva tells Till that she wants to step down in the office because of the family. Andrea is horrified that Larissa has moved out. Worried, Andrea and Benedikt reunite as parents. After releasing her back pain, Paco tries to enjoy her free time. But soon she realizes that she needs some extra help.

19:05 clock, RTL: All that matters

Ronny meets a mysterious woman and immediately falls in love with her. When she disappears, Ronny is sure to see her again soon. Meanwhile, Marie can not defend herself against her emerging feelings for Deniz. She believes she can stifle these with a little distance in the bud. Meanwhile, Ingo Zweifel on the WG with Steffi come over, but then living together feels unexpectedly good.

19:40, RTL: Good times, bad times

Despite Katrin's protest, Gerner does not allow himself to be changed. He does not want to abuse Yvonne for his plans. Katrin agrees to let go of her plan with Yvonne, so that Gerner can look forward to a carefree holiday. Lilly can no longer push a debate with Tuner. This makes Chris as guilty of the problems. As tuner then finds Chris' bike, his anger breaks on the rival train.

Die 5 Biologischen Naturgesetze - Die Dokumentation (May 2024).

GZSZ, RTL, TV Soaps, Red Roses, Storm of Love, Everything that matters, GZSZ, Unter uns