There are now sweet potato fries at Edeka!

Anyone who has eaten this snack knows: There is (almost) nothing better! We're talking about sweet potato fritters, the sweet and sour temptation you might know from the food truck or the burger restaurant you trust.

So far, however, there was a problem: sweet potato fries are expensive in the restaurant - and almost impossible to get in the supermarket. So if you wanted to snack sweet potato fries at home, you had to laboriously carve your own vegetables, wash them, treat them with starch and fry them.

© Edeka

But now someone has made in Edeka in the freezer a discovery: sweet potato fries for the home - finished and frozen! In Holland, for example, this has long been widespread, but in Germany there has been virtually no growth.

So if you want to eat your sweet chips at home, you just have to access Edeka - a bag of 500 grams costs 1.99 euros. Alternatively, you can also make sweet potato fries yourself. We show you how to do it:

Also read

Make sweet potato fries yourself? sooo delicious

funnyfrisch ofen chips taste a bit different than the average kind of chips somehow (May 2024).

EDEKA, restaurant, supermarket