The way you make a fist reveals a lot about your character

Whether eating habits, clothing style or toe length - there are many parameters that say something about our innermost. So does the way we make a fist. It depends on exactly where the thumb is.

Variant 1: The thumb is on the index finger

© Butterfly Hunter / shutterstock

This means that you are a very friendly person who gives rather than takes. That's great, but unfortunately it can happen again and again that others take advantage of your good nature. Make it clear: From time to time it is also important to think of yourself!

Variant 2: The thumb encloses the other fingers

© Antonio Guillem / shutterstock

Congratulations, you are super creative! Besides your ambition, you are very afraid to fail. You are very popular with others. Your friends appreciate you above all for your honesty and intelligence.

Variant 3: The thumb is surrounded by the other fingers

© S-F / shutterstock

You are an insanely charming and charismatic person who magically attracts others. Plus, you have a lot of empathy: if your friends are feeling bad, you are extremely suffering with them - and they are doing everything they can to cheer them up.

Your Fist Shape Reveals Your True Personality (May 2024).

Faust, bale, Art, Pesönlichkeit