That's why this mum's facial features derail as she holds her baby in her arms

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@Susannahgill_photostorytelling ... After a lifetime of dreaming about one of each, but months of feeling Theo's sex! !

A post shared by Kim Guiley (@blendingbeautiful) on Jul 26, 2016 at 10:57 am PDT

"WHAT PLEASE Hangs on the Baby ???"

The newly minted mother Kim Guiley from California marveled when she held her baby in her arms: her little "daughter", with whom she had fully and firmly reckoned, turned out to be a son - easily recognized by the genitals.

For Kim and her husband a godsend: After her first baby, a daughter, Kim had a miscarriage. The couple therefore decided on the following pregnancy: We do not want to know what's coming now. The main thing, the baby is healthy, the rest can be found!

Secretly, the parents said later, each of them would have hoped for a boy. But the signs had heaped up that it would probably come back to a girl (you know, "experts" who "recognize" the already on the abdomen and the appetite of the mother).

And anyway: Kim himself soon had a very sure gut feeling that a little girl would grow up in her. And a mother has ALWAYS always in the feeling.

Only except for the cases where she is wrong - then she looks like in this photo!

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The Script - If You Could See Me Now (Official Video) (May 2024).

Birth photo, facial train, scream, sex, delivery room, California