Study: So long do mothers really need to recover from birth

Time and again one reads of stars who are "topfit" just a few weeks after the birth again in front of the camera or strutting over catwalks. And in mothers' counselors, too, it is usually stated that the puerperal period, in which the women should take special care, lasts six to eight weeks.

But are the women really fit again after that?

Most mothers would probably deny that? and a study confirms this feeling.

Eight weeks are not enough

Researchers at Salford University in England have regularly interviewed and studied women after the birth of their children.

The result: It takes up to a year for the mothers to recover from the exertions of childbirth.

Mothers feel left alone

Julie Wray, the leader of the study, thinks the widespread assumption that six to eight weeks are enough is enough for a "fairy tale". She also found that many women feel left alone after birth. Today there is little support for mothers beyond the normal care provided by midwives. This is also because there are only a few large families whose members can help the women with the care of the baby.

Not only physically, the women had to fight for a long time, the psychological consequences of a birth would be underestimated.

Wray, according to the Daily Mail, calls for a "more realistic and women-friendly care after birth."

1 WEEK POSTPARTUM UPDATE | 4th Degree Tear Recovery & Down 28 Pounds Already! (May 2024).

Birth, camera, childbed, puerperium