• April 26, 2024

Squirten: From taboo topic to mega-sex trend

As it always is: What we should be ashamed of yesterday, that's the hottest shit today, Anyone who used to have a big butt has hidden it or renounced Schoki to shrink it. Who has a big butt today, may be lucky, while many others torture with butt-tutorials and dietary changes ...

Something similar or even more extreme with squiring. If about it? let's say before the turn of the millennium? ever spoken, then rather embarrassed with a touch of "Is this normal?" and "Do not men find this disgusting?". Meanwhile, there are squirting seminars in every major city, because (among other things, according to the coaches coaching there) squirts the ultimate sex experience for women should be, which still most animals men animal turns (the latter may be true, if you look around on relevant porn sites ...). So it's high time to take a closer look at this trend / taboo!

Squirten: What is it?

The term squirter comes from the English word "squirt" and means something like "squirt, squirt". As far as we know, women squirrel in sex, if their G-spot or their G-zone stimulated becomes ? what is known to most associated with a particularly intense pleasure experience is. Due to the strong excitement in the woman in addition to the usual suspects called the Skene glands active, sometimes referred to as the female prostate. They produce an aqueous, slightly milky secretion whose exact composition is not yet known. Well, and this secret must then stop out. Mostly it squirts at orgasm, with the fluid making its way out through the urethra. Theoretically (and occasionally also practically), however, squiring and climax can happen with a time lag ? similar to the man of ejaculation can take place independently of orgasm.

So Squirten is a completely natural process that can trigger sex in women. So it certainly is not something that belongs in any taboo corner (there really should not be such corners) or for which we should be ashamed.

Squirten: exception or rule?

How many women squirt during sex is statistical? for obvious reasons? difficult to grasp, and so the information you find about it varies between 5 and 54 percent, But the fact is: So that it injects in the sex on their part, must come together two things that are not very likely. 

  • Stimulation of the G-zone and
  • let go at the right moment.

Many women know from their own experience that the former is anything but simple and self-evident (little hint: look for your UFO position, if you are interested in it!).

The thing about letting go in this case is made even more difficult by the fact that squiring usually works for us feels like urinating, Why many consider? out of sheer habit? at the crucial moment. Since the skene glands are so close to the bladder and the secretion drains through the urethra just like urine, our brain can hardly distinguish the two processes from each other.

Both together rather speaks for that Women who squirter, without putting it on, probably in the minority are. However, that's how it turns out the bottom line is to learn squirters: One very good knowledge of your own body and the ability to relax consciously and let go.

Squirting? a must have for any sex bucket list?

If only the question arises: Do you really have to learn squiring if you do not happen by chance anyway? Is the hype really justified? Clear answer: No! No one has to do anything in his life, let alone sex. Squirten is? it is clear from numerous reports of experience and from the physical contexts? undoubtedly connected with very intense desire. And for some (or even many) who have experienced it, it may be an experience they do not want to miss. But who is satisfied with his sex life, who feels comfortable and enjoyment of intercourse, should not put pressure or unsettle by any hype. After all, squirting is not THE prerequisite for enjoying sex.

on the other hand: Knowing your own body and being able to relax purposefully can be helpful in many situations, not just squiring or sex. So, could such a squirting seminar be an enrichment? as long as you do it for yourself.

The Science of Boobs (April 2024).

Sextrend, taboo topic