Sports from 40: So you stay fit!

Why does sport do me particularly well now?

"Because we can stay 40 for 20 years with enough exercise," says Professor Ingo Froboese. Although the musculature has also decreased slightly in athletic women between the ages of 30 and 40, and with a decreasing estrogen level, the bone mass begins to diminish somewhat. But those who are sufficiently active now can stay physically fit and young longer.

Especially the endurance Sporty is well preserved. A trained woman over 40 runs away easily from an untrained 20-year-old. Marathon? This is not a problem for a healthy runner. Also strength training is a perennial favorite: against muscle atrophy, preventing back pain and of course really good for the figure. Because the metabolism Now it's slowing down and many women are between 40 and 60. For active women, these are on average four kilos in these 20 years and nine kilos for those with little sports enthusiasm.

In addition, the soul profits: Especially in this phase of life, many women are facing changes, the menopause, upheavals, new beginnings - Sport also works for the psyche very stabilizing.

Sports from 40: Which sport is right for me?

A mix of endurance and strength training:

  • Endurance training like to jog is now a particularly suitable sport, because now more should be done for the stabilization of the bones, and this is best achieved by vertical loading, standing, walking or running. Walking, running, dancing are especially important now to strengthen the bones.
  • thanks strength training helps with weight loss and makes the pounds melt. Also, the proportions can be improved: If, for example, legs and hips are not quite as slim, beautiful trained shoulders waist, hips and legs appear narrower.
    To become familiar with the strength training, worth a beginner's course, for example, for back training or body shaping in the studio. After that beginner courses in aerobics or aqua-gymnastics can be tried out.

Endurance sports such as swimming or cycling is great for your fitness and strengthens your bone density, but is not as effective as running and therefore not optimally suited as a main workout. Overall, it may now be a bit more sport, but the goals should remain manageable. Unnecessary Auspowern brings little.

So much sport should I do now

Two to three times at least 45 minutes of endurance sports per week would be good. In addition, three times strength training to strengthen the muscles and build muscle
The bottom line: 2 hours 15 minutes of endurance and 1.5 hours of strength training per week now bring optimal success!

What do I have to consider as a beginner?

Best one Pre-screening get the doctor and then build resilience slowly. This means swimming, cycling and walking two to three times a week for the first three months. So the body gets used to the new movements and the unfamiliar demand. Then go for nordic walking, power walking or jogging. Now try to keep up with every training session for 30 minutes and slowly increase your time and pace.
tip: Start with a friend or partner. For two, the motivation to stay healthy is proven to be higher and the habituation phase, in which sport is still difficult, is not so tough.
A training diary can also help with motivation and show the successes.

Anyone who has been involved in sports for some time

Now you should be yours endurance training intensify, so you get your good condition. For interval or circuit training, it is best to have a program put together by the trainer that gets you going and shapes the body. Pilates, Yoga or Stretching courses provide mobility and strength.

The #1 Secret to Staying Fit after 40 with Patrick Sweeney (May 2024).

Sport, Ingo Froböse, Strength Training, Endurance Workout, Fitness, Sports, Age, Active, Beginner, Workout, Endurance, Strength, 40