Spies in the nursery: This Barbie can question and tell children

What exactly is the Barbie talking about?

A childhood dream comes true: soon Barbie can chat while playing as relaxed as a real friend. Sure, she could already at the push of a button wisdom like "Math is so exhausting!" and "Let's shop!" spit. But the "Hello Barbie", which has now been officially introduced, is much smarter: Similar to Apple's iPhone assistant "Siri" it is connected via Wi-Fi to the servers of manufacturer Mattel and can lead a real conversation.

Wait a minute, what is there all about my child saved?

Ah, do not worry! The Barbie remembers every word that is spoken around her - but it's all about innocent best-girlfriends-Kicherei between child and doll: If you just like what you want to have for a job later ...

Um, what?

Yes, the Barbie also takes over the careers advice, Mattel has announced. Since she has had almost every job in her life, she is well qualified. She also has a lot of experience in advising and educating adolescents. A few years ago, there was this "Skipper is in puberty and gets breasts" doll:

And then on any server are all the conversations that my child has about his life, his future and his interests?

Barbie does not forget anything, that would otherwise be embarrassing in small talk in the nursery. She also shares the most interesting stuff with her other best friends in Mattel's marketing department.

I think I have to vomit for a moment.

Well, Barbie is not yet within earshot - sales start of the networked doll is later in the year. But you do not always have to see everything so critically. The "Hello Barbie" is really a big gift for the parents.


Clear! If you're smart with Mattel, you'll put in an interface for parent announcements - and you can give all the annoying duties to Barbie.

Something like "Clean up your room!"?

Exactly. Stand droning, "Off to bed" discussions, "Who was it?" - interrogation of siblings - with a bit of luck you can eventually buy everything in the subscription package. Maybe even with answers to uncomfortable questions like "Why do not my parents care so much about me and hand over a doll's job?".

Video: The talking Barbie in action

Ask Barbie About Her Friends and Family! | Barbie (May 2024).

Barbie doll, nursery, iPhone, Mattel, Barbie, Mattel, surveillance, toy