Silver - Back to Treasure Island by Andrew Motion

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I have to admit that there has been a really good papa book recently. This is a bit hard for me, because the many guys who write after two months parental leave equal to a work about their exploits on the wrap front, have always made me suspicious. Gerhard Matzig, on the other hand, is a father of three with school-leaving qualifications ("Teachers are not only the natural enemies of our parents, they are also our natural victims"), an old warhorse in the daily fight for family peace. His book "Nettelbeck and family" is not only funny, it has earned the subtitle "The adventure of being a father today". A worthy gift for Father's Day on May 29th. (288 p., 17.99 euros, Goldmann)

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Sir Andrew Motion on Silver: Return to Treasure Island, Author Interview (May 2024).

Book Tip, Andrew Motion, Parental Leave, Silver - Return to Treasure Island. Andrew Motion, book tip