Shaving legs - the best tips

That's why it's smart to shave your legs

Swinging the razor is a quick, easy and inexpensive way to get rid of annoying leg hair. You can do the hair removal quickly under the shower, in the bathtub or in between at the sink. All you need is a blade razor and shaving foam (or the clever alternative we'll tell you in Tip 4). As you shave your legs safely and without bleeding wounds or skin irritations, we tell you in our overview with the best tips.

Here you can read all about the topic of intimate shaving.

Tip 1: Peel before shaving

Before the leg shave, you should do an exfoliation, so that the pores of the skin open and the hair will not grow later.

Tip 2: Warm, not hot

Wet your legs with warm but not hot water. Hot water closes the pores, warmth opens them - this makes shaving more comfortable and effective.

Tip 3: Blade change

Very important: change blades regularly! Dull blades do not shave well and cause skin irritation.

Tip 4: Shaving cream? Dosage and alternative

Shaving cream is ideal for preparing the skin for shaving. However, you should not take too much, because that clogs the razor blade and lets you lose track of which hairs you have already shaved off and not yet. If you do not have shaving cream, you can use an alternative to conditioner, which softens the skin and hair and allows the blade to slide well over the skin.

Tip 5: Shave from the bottom up

Shaving on the legs against the grain - so from bottom to top. Only then can the hairs be lifted and shaved so short that no stubble remains.

Tip 6: Shave short sections

Anyone pulling the razor from the ankle to the knee in a line runs the risk of skipping some hairs. It is better to work up in short lines.

Wet or dry shave?

The wet shave is the gentlest, if you apply a shave gel, which also contains soothing substances and prevents skin irritation. If you shave your legs with the electric razor, it will protect your skin, but in the end it will not be so smooth. Electric shavers are ideal for the sensitive bikini line.

Which razor should I take?

In general, the more blades a razor has, the less likely it is for redness or pimples to appear. Several blades prevent the risk of cuts. Most wet razors work with a three-blade system, but there are already some with four blades. Many products also contain a built-in moisturizer that is designed to nourish the skin at the same time.

Little offspring - that's how fast the hairs come back

  1. Shaving cuts the hair on the skin surface. At the latest after 3 days the first stubble is visible.
  2. Wax or epilator devices pluck the hair at the root. Offspring after 1-3 weeks.
  3. Depilatory creams dissolve the hair even below the skin surface. Fine new hairs after 5 to 7 days.

The alternatives to shaving

Who does not want to shave, has different alternatives. We introduce them to you and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Growing instead of shaving

Apply warm and cold wax best in the evening, then the skin can recover at night. Warm up warm wax in a water bath or in a microwave, apply with a spatula and then press on the fleece strip. Hair removal with cold wax strips is easier, but not so thorough. They are finished with the wax and are glued directly to the legs. Then pull off with a courageous jerk against the direction of growth. At very hairy or sensitive areas, always depilate only one small area at a time.

Epilation instead of shaving

The new epilators work even with shorter hairs, which is less painful than with longer hair. Move the device slowly and without pressure at right angles to the skin and against hair growth. Then apply a light, soothing care. Even more tips and tricks for epilation

Or depilatory cream?

Depilatory cream or mousse dissolves the hair so that you can remove it after a few minutes with a spatula. The active substance is the same, which puts the hair on a permanent wave (thioglycolic acid) - however in higher concentration. Then wash the skin thoroughly.

D rather not!

Do not use alcoholic deodorant or heavily scented body lotion immediately after armpit and leg irrigation or epilation as this will irritate the skin too much.

Video Recommendation:

4 Mistakes You Make Shaving Your Legs (May 2024).

Razor, razor, shaving, depilation, depilation, leg hair, hair removal, hair, depilation, smooth legs, shaving, razor, epilation, epilator, wax, bikini line, body hair