Request something different: "Do you want to vote with me?"

I admit: Actually, I have no desire to vote this year. Everything stays as it is anyway. A catastrophe can not happen anyway - Trump finally does not arrive.

If only the bad conscience were not ...

It just feels so terribly wrong. I like democracy. Also: If I abstain and then dissatisfied with the result (which is even more likely than a rainy summer in Hamburg)? do I have the right to complain? I really want to complain.

The solution to my dilemma is round, colorful, small, a finger, and every good request. Wtf? Ja-ha! I dissolve immediately, but I have to tell a short story about my neighbor:

He does NOT hear Coldplay and cares about my bike!

My neighbor and me separate four floors. Sometimes I hear music from his apartment in the stairwell: Killers, Babyshambles, Tegan & Sara, some unknown to me and even Damien Rice? but never Coldplay!

On Saturday of the G20 summit, I met him as he was pushing his Vespa into his apartment. He said to me, "If you have your bike out there, you should put it in better." How nice!

I summarize: Good taste in music, Vespa, worries about my bike and lives on the ground floor (you never know if you will not be too blue at some point to walk all floors). Conclusion: We have to drink a beer together.

And now the solution to my dilemma: I make my electoral application! This is so weird that it's cool again.

The election application: That's how it works

I order two rings HERE (these are extra electoral rings - otherwise he still thinks, I'm crazy).

The rings for the election application

© Little Five

When they are there, I ring the bell with him, give him one and ask if he will vote with me on September 24th. And when he shows me the polling station on the 24th (I've only been living in the area for two years now), I mention casually that I still have beer in my fridge. Et voila.

And who invented it?

The election application "Little Five" was conceived. The group wants one thing above all: The AfD fail at the 5-percent hurdle and thus do not see move into the Bundestag. Little Five has many great projects. For example, she has developed guides on how to polite discussions with acquaintances who have weird views (say, that homosexuals are abnormal or something).

With the election application, Kleiner Fünf wants to motivate especially young people to vote on the 24th.

Paulina Fröhlich from Little Five

© Little Five


Others motivate ... and themselves

Okay, I abuse the election application a bit. The idea is that you give the ring to someone in your circle of acquaintances who would otherwise not vote. I do not know how my neighbor is like that. I use the electoral request simply to pimp the election Sunday for me a bit. Besides ... even if my neighbor would vote without me? maybe I would not do it without him.


If you want to order rings to motivate others or yourself, you should until the 15th of August do - you play it safe. Because whether the action is continued, depends on how many rings are ordered by then or how much money crowdfunding together (when ring order is automatically a little money into crowdfunding).

YOU Vote On The Next Walkthrough! + Request Information (Read Description) -Voting Is Now Over! (May 2024).

Bundestag Election, Coldplay, Vespa, Bicycle, Bundestag, Hamburg, AfD, Babyshambles, Damien Rice, G20 Summit