Please not the compassion number! What's annoying about the #Metoo debate?

On Sunday ran the drunken talk show about sexism. And although we've been discussing it intensively for five weeks now, this Anne Will episode could just as well have been the first installment.

Sure, just talking about sexism is good. What was taken for granted for centuries is today perceived as so problematic that it keeps us occupied for weeks at a time. Although it sounds cynical, that's a huge step forward.

But should not we slowly move on to the constructive part of the discussion? Can not we even start a discussion on what we want to change, rather than ending it every damned time, and then postponing the answer?

Heard 1000 times

That Victim Shaming is a no-go, that women are allowed to wear what they want, and that one root of the problem is that men rule the world, we've heard often enough. That sexism has nothing to do with sex, but sexuality is merely instrumentalized to suppress people because of their sex, should also be slow.

But why, when it comes to solutions, does the discussion always jump to the question of how women should defend themselves against sexism or sexual harassment? Why should women still work on themselves who are not at the root of the problem? Does that mean that we assume that the situation will not change in the foreseeable future for the better?

It must be better!

I just do not want to believe that! After all, we make the rules for our own world. And when I run through the streets, I see a lot of men and women living together peacefully. Couples holding hands holding shops.

Strangers, who of course sit side by side in the subway. People who help others when they slip. Our world is not sexist through and through, nor is it determined by the struggle of the sexes.

Our world can work top-notch - and without even having to give up flirting or sexual tingling. Who wants a fun-riddled, sterile, fear-filled deal with each other? We can also fight against sexism without taking away the lightness of our society.

Suggestion for further discussion: Let's save ourselves the time to discuss the question, whether it is # metoo-worthy, if someone whistled after me, or if this someone must first be my boss, so that it is questionable. Let us think about what we want to change.

How about, for example, these five ideas (just as a suggestion for further discussion):

1. Women's quota for parties

It simply can not be fair for everyone to unanimously say that the balance of power between men and women is too unbalanced, while AfD, CDU / CSU and FDP are calmly moving into the Bundestag with women's shares of 10, 20 and 23 percent. That would have to be unconstitutional! It excites me animal.

2. Sexism officers in companies

One of the really big practical problems is that we very often do not have a contact person when faced with sexism on the job. Turning to colleagues is fine. But personally, it would definitely be easier for me to go to someone I know that he or she has a plan for, what we can do, that he or she will treat my request with absolute confidentiality, etc.

In addition, in such a sexism officer in the company would increase the sensitivity and awareness of the issue.

3. Quotas in companies

Women quotas at management levels and male quotas in nursing, education and assistance. If we wait for the classic roles to soften on their own and balance the balance of power in business and professional life, it will take at least another 200 years.

4. Evaluate Victim Shaming as a guilty verdict

Who is accused of a sexual assault and then leads the provocative selfies or provocative selfies of the alleged victim, should be considered as confessed. Always this Victim Shaming? I can not hear it anymore!

It does not matter how we dress and show. If we break up, we'll do it for US! Of course we know about the effect on others, of course we also want to set our preferences in scene. But nobody has to interpret our appearance? if something is unclear, you have to ask before drawing any conclusions. Zero Tolerance for Victim Shaming!

5. Not always this pity number!

Okay, that's not a concrete proposal, but: We do not want pity? we want respect! Everywhere it says, "Thousands of women have now found the courage to share their experiences at #metoo". No! They've always had the courage anyway.They also proved it when they lived on and did not let themselves get beaten down.

Now, above all, they have used the group dynamics and opportunity to really to achieve an effect. Because if you're not Angelina Jolie and nobody's talking about it at the moment, no cock will crow - at least felt - after your #metoo experiences. But if we stick together like now, not only are we strong, but we can also make a difference - and in the future, we do not always have to wait for the new big wave of discussion to be sure that we are being taken seriously.

And since the Anne-Will broadcast on Sunday appropriately ran under the question "Is something changing now?": No, it change yourself nothing but we can change something!

Bill Burr Thinks Women Are Overrated - CONAN on TBS (May 2024).
