Nibbler for sports: the fitness bitebox

If you do not like protein or other fitness shakes for athletes, you might be enthusiastic about this type of doping: snacks made from natural ingredients. BiteBox uses only foods that are free from flavor enhancers, preservatives (eg sulfur) and artificial colors and that are not genetically modified.

The pre-workout box

© BiteBox

What is inside? The box contains four different crunchy mixes, including crunchy granola, nuts, dried fruits, Parmesan breadcrumbs and cereal oatmeal. Nice idea: The mixes have names: perennial, wildfire, crack this out !, Crunchy Crack.

What's in it for the workout?

The quartet provides plenty of carbs, and that's the stuff that muscles need. The mixtures are also low in fat.

How does it taste?

Unanimous opinion of the colleagues: The crackers are best, the crunchy muesli is less good, surprisingly delicious: the oat balls.

The post-workout box

© BiteBox

What is inside? This quartet listens to the names Pumperfutter, Kraftprotz, Tamasutra and Gigolo? pity, because women hardly feel addressed. The mixes consist of soybeans, peanuts, pumpkin and cashews as well as almonds. Seasoned with curry, sometimes with tamaris sauce or with herbs. Everything is roasted and salted.

What's in it after the workout?

Of course, here protein plays the main role, it is in soybeans and nuts. Protein supports muscle building after the workout. In general, protein from plant sources is not as high quality as that from animal (egg, dairy) because it does not contain all the important amino acids that the body needs. Only the soybean comes close to the animal protein - perfect. In addition: Over the sweat minerals are lost, which must be replaced. Nuts are a good source. Especially important for athletes is sodium (part of table salt). If it is missing, it can trigger muscle spasms or weaknesses. The electrolyte must therefore be replaced at the latest after sport (or in between). That's why the post-workout snacks are not stingy with salt.

How does it taste?

All four mixes arrived equally well at the editorial test. No wonder: unlike the Quartet of the Pre-Workout Box, they are similar - you like one, you like the others. And: Roasted and salted has always been very seductive, so you want to make it even in the evening in front of the telly with such a box comfortable. But rather not too often, because of the sometimes considerable amounts of salt, because television rarely causes a sweat ...

Conclusion: Eating properly before and after exercise is important, especially if you train sweaty or participate in competitions. Then muscles have to be fit to the point and later the energy stores are refilled. Such a snack box somehow looks more professional than the bag trail mix, the mix for most sports activities, however, completely enough. High coolness factor so, but point deduction for the packaging: a lot of garbage, albeit a lot of cardboard.

What do the boxes cost? 5,99 Euro per piece plus shipping costs. You can order them here.

Aj Jerks 70kg Kettlebell (May 2024).

Sporty, food, bitebox, after-sport food, pre-sport food, workout