New fear of Momo? Are our children in danger?

Again and again various challenges are circulating on the internet? and most of them can only be shaken in disbelief. Although pops here and there times a trend (like the Ice Bucket Challenge), which serves the good cause. But most social media challenges are either stupid or dangerous? and often both. Currently, however, a game is making the round that takes the hands-on trends to a new level: the so-called Momo Challenge calls for injuring oneself? and is said to have led a twelve-year-old to suicide in Argentina.

What is the Momo Challenge?

The Momo Challenge spreads via the WhatsApp platform and is apparently aimed specifically at children and adolescents. A creepy, distorted figure with bulging eyes comes in contact with the victims as Momo and sends them brutal and intimidating pictures and videos. In addition, Momo gives the contacted person tasks that, if not followed, threaten her with terrible consequences for her and her surroundings. Bad: Meanwhile, Momo appears more and more often in children's videos such as "Peppa Wutz" on Youtube.

The tasks range from forwarding Momo messages (like a chain letter) and publishing private information about self-harming and overcoming fears all the way up? apparently? to suicide. How they accomplish the tasks, so Momos instruction, is to be documented by those concerned with the mobile phone.

#UIDI #FGETabasco #Cibernetica #Tabasco #Villahermosa # PolicíaCibernéticaTabasco #SegurosAlNavegar # PrevencionDelitosCibernéticos #Retos El morbo, la curiosidad o el quere ser popular, ha llevado a muchos jóvenes a realizar actos donde arriesgan su vida. ¿Qué opinas al respecto?

? UIDI FGE Tabasco (@UIDIFGETabasco) July 16, 2018

After suicide of a twelve-year-old: Police investigate Momo

According to several media reports, the police of Buenos Aires now investigate the initiator of the Momo Challenge in a particularly serious case: in a suburb of the metropolis, a twelve-year-old girl had hanged herself after spending several weeks in contact with Momo. The teenager had apparently recorded all activities, including the preparation of her suicide with her smartphone.

In Germany, the police have already warned against a acting on WhatsApp Momo account. Although no cases have been known throughout Europe in which victims were asked to self-harming acts or even suicide. But a corresponding chain letter had already appeared in this country.

# Chain letters can be annoying. But the #Whatsapp chain letter Momo is currently particularly frightening children and adolescents. Therefore: Talk to your children or parents. Nothing will happen if the chain letter is not forwarded.

? Police Lüneburg (@Polizei_LG) 27th July 2018

Whether and when the person behind the Momo account will be caught, and above all, what purpose they are pursuing with this crime (other than, of course, accessing data and information) is something we can only speculate on. So far, it is only clear where the profile picture of Momo comes from: It is a work of art from the Japanese company Link Factory, which is also available in the? Vanilla Gallery? was exhibited in Tokyo.

But before we all panic and beat our children's smartphones out of hand: Especially in Europe, Momo has been reported only sporadically. We should keep an eye on the net activities of our children anyway. And if you notice a spooky woman with bull's-eye (or something suspicious), do not hesitate to let the police know.

Video tip: Attention! The Zoom Challenge can cause serious injury


"Momo challenge" frightens kids, worries parents (May 2024).

Suicide, Police, WhatsApp, Argentina