My wish for Mother's Day: This day is abolished!

Verena Schulemann is the mother of a son and lives in Berlin-Mitte. With her blog "MAMA BERLIN" she wants to encourage women to take their lives into their own hands. Your appeal: "Use education to broaden your horizons, find clarity about yourself and feel the love in you so that you can accept yourself as you are, follow your heart and be brave and sincere." Be a damn good Woman (and of course that also applies to men). "

© Verena Schulemann / Private

"I wish all fathers father's day and all mothers to the non-Mother's Day only the best, do not be sad, you come on Sunday also with a day. Keep it up! You're great! You're great! Forward! Draws the kids big, Swallowing your frustration that things are not going the way you once imagined, look, how sweet the kids are, be grateful, go on, now, today, and you kids: shows The dads and mums, how nice you have them! Command: paint picture, put down flowers, bake cake, tidy up, eh again, you can kill two birds with one stone, no matter, now: march! "

Sorry if I step on someone with my cynicism, but Father's Day / Mother's Day group compulsion is a retro event and I just think of retro polemics.

Do we want to be like that?

The idea comes from ultra-religious Methodist and pastor's daughter Anna Marie Jarvis of West Virginia (USA), who displayed an incredible ambition to convince all governors of the United States to celebrate the death of her mother to establish a national day of remembrance of all mothers. Gentle US President Woodrow Wilson first came to grief in 1914, flagging all public buildings on the second Sunday of May in remembrance of the mothers of his country.

Father's Day came to Germany at about the same time. So, that you have Ascension? a traditional holiday? remodeled for Father's Day, came up there. Since the celebration and drinking on this day was already in the collective consciousness, there was nothing to create here, but only to take over. Something to commemorate or a political request did not have the masters of creation anyway. It's safe to say that it was just about drinking. Among men. Without the women. The nerves. That was and is fathers enough reason for the Father's Day.

The question that I would like to ask, regarding BOTH events: is that cool? NO! Does that fit into the time? NO! Do we want to be like that? NO!!!!

Although, if I recap the last days so in terms of the day, then I'm not sure?

My kitchen table, my garden, my perfect world

Due to the global political situation, the national pathos, the well-heeled, trusted families (lying) world, the traditional role-distribution system is unfortunately back on track. People, I realize, are getting easier and making the same big mistakes as the generations before them: they just look at their own small kitchen table and garden, hold the money together convulsively, think: after us, the Flood or celebrate? even worse ? a stupid naivety and, if it turns out to be critical, make the eyes quite firm, and imagine pink cotton candy or something else, just so as not to be involved in the big bad politics?

Where we would be again on the subject: Father / mother Tach. So religion, morals, politics and national consciousness were very popular on Mother's Day, the snow is over.What the Vatertach the drinking, the mother hatchery is now the consumption and compulsive crafts, baking and breakfast serve. Bread and games for home use distract people from what really matters!

Everything last minute? but really DIY!

Muttertach has something to do. Sometimes it is a tragedy, what is offered there? But it's also crappy how many well-adjusted, unreflective bunnies and hasis in anticipatory obedience lurk behind the bullshit and surpass themselves in the insane capitalism routine of in-the-mainstream ass-creep.

And of course, every last minute goes without saying (Huch? Another year around, is really so full of speed, the company has become, sorry! But comes from the heart?) And is really DIY (well, of course, you have to be so buy a few things, but the mixing is really homemade?).

Or the hipster moms and daddy, who shower each other with gifts on Father's Day and Mother's Day so Dad can really let the luxury kid out and Mommy the luxury brat she used to like to do: daddy does the toy drone, Mama, get such a really nice pampering weekend in the wellness hut? Meanwhile the children come to grandma and grandpa? or to the nanny.

Thank you for forgetting!

And then of course do not forget to say thank you. The reasons can not be topped with stupidity? How the "10 reasons why we love our mothers" want to make the mentally deprived clear: Thank you for always making sure I had a jacket on? Yes exactly! Thanks, Mom, that you have always wiped my butt! Oh, man beautiful, you! Mum wants to be loved for that!

And then it will be political again:Under #Muttertagswunsch and #vatertagswunsch are currently collecting contributions, what fathers and mothers want to improve their situation from the policy. The wishes are not new (fairer tax system, more care options, more diversity), but at least the media now have a reason to report about it.

Today Fathers do more and more with their children on Father's Day? so together. And mothers simply wish for a relaxed family time on Mother's Day. Hach! Let's see how our kids will rate this: My Mom! My dad! We were always on the same wavelength. Best Friends forever!

My #muttertagswunsch is therefore: abolish Mother's Day. Fuck motherhood. Fuck the separation of wife / mother / father / husband / kids.

Because we are just everybody: people. Different, ALL anyway! AND ALL have to get along! And it's not about being celebrated, being thankful. We do not need that anymore? nobody has to have children, that's just a free choice and a private matter today.

Above all, we do not need any children: we are 8.2 billion !!!! We are NOT the pandas or sea turtles, our species is NOT endangered. On the contrary ? We are too many. We break down too much. We should first take care of those who are already there !!! And see that those who are already there are well looked after.

Human day? 365 days a year!

Therefore, we no longer need moms and dads, but above all, a fair, equal opportunity, responsible society that is able to look far into the future and outside the box. We need understanding that we MUST be different so that we can continue to grow!

Human day? This would be nice ? 365 days a year! Thank you for reading until the end!

The original article was first published in full length on the blog "MAMA BERLIN".

Video: Why do we celebrate Mother's Day?


Mother's Day, motherhood, shit