Money Tip by Helma Sick: Debts - that's how you get rid of them

Reasons are often events like unemployment or divorce. Even unwise dealing with money and inefficient housekeeping lead to the debt trap. According to the poverty report, 850,000 young people have a debt problem - a third of the debt is already made before the age of 20! Often the carefree handling of the cell phone, expensive clothes or the first home furnishings tempts to accumulate debts. It often only becomes clear that rent, electricity and gasoline have to be paid for when the account is already deep red.

The most common debt traps

credit cards: Since you can quickly lose track. The amounts are usually only debited after days or weeks. You run the risk of spending too much. Card companies usually grant credit lines, here, the highest caution is required. In general, even higher fees are required than for a credit line.

Overdraft: Use it only if you short-term and one-time overdraw your account. Do not make a living out of it! You pay very high interest rates, so you have less and less money left over. If you carry around € 2,000 with you and pay 12% interest, it will cost you € 1,200 in five years!

Mail order purchases: You lose the overview of your finances if you repeatedly order from mail order companies and pay the amounts in installments from the customer account. With multiple installment contracts, it can easily happen that you can no longer meet your obligations.

Mobile phone fees: High basic and tariff fees often lead to enormous bills in the first months of use. Many young people underestimate the number of phone calls made or send text messages. In addition, the mobile phone providers bill with a time delay, so that the overview is lost.

So you can escape the debt trap

Pay now only cash. Keep a budget book to find out where your money is going. Pay off your credit as soon as possible. Save a small cushion on a call money account, which you can access if necessary.

If you are already sitting deep in the debt sump

, , , and you do not come out with spending discipline, you should make an appointment with a debt counseling service. These are available from charities, municipalities and municipalities. There you get help and support.

And please note one thing: NEVER contact private lenders. They are scammers, about which you get even deeper into the misery.

book Note

Helma Sick updated and expanded her ChroniquesDuVasteMonde book "If I Was Rich" (eg, the chapter "Withholding Tax") - a guide for women with examples from the practice of the financial expert. 8,95 Euro, Diana-Verlag

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Money Tip, Banking Crisis, Banks, Money, Helma Sick