Like the rabbits: Poland advertises so absurdly for more children

What is this about?

To children. Or better: no children. The Poles are not getting enough of it, says the national-conservative government. Currently, the birth rate is 1.32 children per woman. (For comparison, in Germany is also very poor children, it is 1.5) The UN predict for Poland, the population from the current 38.2 million to an expected 36.6 million by 2030 and by 2100 even 21.2 million could.

Oha? and now?

Now the government is trying to persuade its citizens to have children? and also uses quite unusual means. For 637,000 euros, the Ministry of Health produced a spot in which the main role plays a rabbit.

A rabbit?

Yes, more precisely a Rammler. He says in the spot sentences like, "No one knows better than us how to look after many offspring." The "secrets" are: "lots of exercise", "healthy food", "little stress" and "no bingeing". He knew exactly what he was talking about? his father has 63 offspring.

So should the Poles do it like the rabbits?

Such is the winking message.

How does the spot arrive?

The reactions are very different. Some find him funny? many but also tasteless. Critics also accuse the government of being partly responsible for the lack of children.

What can politics do for childlessness?

The National Conservatives, which have been in power since 2015, had canceled all state funding for artificial insemination. Here, too, the mighty Catholic Church had its fingers in the game. For couples who are unintentionally childless, the fluffy spot therefore has a very bitter note.

What does the government say about criticism?

She could understand if people did not like the video, but it was still good that a debate on the low birth rate would be triggered.


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