Language Slang: With these sentences you come once around the world!

Language Slang: With these sentences you come once around the world!

With our slang sets you will find fast connection in France!

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Do you know that? There you are on vacation in Rimini or on a language trip in Rome, proud as Bolle on yours basic Italian vocabulary, make friends slowly with the locals and then: If the Italians really get started in their vernacular, you do not understand a single word, And not only that: you will also be exposed with great likelihood promptly as Germans.

So that does not happen to you, we have a few for you vital Italian sentences collected, with which you will certainly progress! Okay, admittedly: we're not really serious about it. But you will certainly be able to use them!


There is even more slang here:

The 1000 most important words: Italian slang Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH PONS ISBN-13: 978-3-12-517687-4

>> On the next page: "End with" prego "and" grazie "! Here's the really important Italian words!"

Slang Words: How Many Do YOU Know? (May 2024).

Rimini, Rome, spoke, slang, Italian