Knitting mittens - instructions for making your own

Knitting mittens

You need this :200 g turquoise wool, Fb 2980, quality "Highland Alpaca" (50% alpaca, 50% pure new wool, running length 41 m / 100 g) by Gedifra, knitting needles No. 8.

Note: It is possible that the given wool can not be bought anymore. In this case just search for a similar quality. Pay attention to the specified run length and make a stitch test!

BUND PATTERN: 1st round: 1 st in the left, 1 st in the right. 2nd row: * 1 st at the left, lift the right st with the thread behind the right needle, then repeat from *. Always repeat the 1st and 2nd Rs.

THE BASIC MODEL: smooth right (right rows, back rows left). The best tips and knitting instructions for knitting smooth right are available here.

PUSHING PATTERN OVER 4 M: Starting row: right st 1 st and all back rows: left st 2 sts. R: Knit the 2nd st in front of the 1st st on the right, then knit the 1st st on the right, the 4th st behind the 3rd st on the right knit, then knit the 3rd st right. 4th row: knit the 2nd st behind the 1st st on the right, then knit the 1st st on the right, knit the 4th st on the 3rd st on the right, then knit the 3rd st on the right. Repeat the 1st to 4th Rs.

GAUGE: Knitted in basic pattern yield 9.5 M x 12 R = 10x10 cm.

RIGHT GLOVE: Cast on 28 sts and knit 6 cm in the border pattern, continue knitting in the basic pattern, knit as follows: 5 sts in the right, 2 sts left, 4 sts, 2 sts left, 15 sts right. 14 cm from waistband for the thumb on both sides of the outer 6 sts separately 5 cm, then cast off 2x2 sts and cast off in the following R the remaining 2 sts. Continue the remaining 16 sts according to the pattern, increasing 2 sts both side = 20 sts. 22 cm from the bottom in the following 4 rows remove the first, middle and last sts on each row. At a height of 25 cm from the waistband bind off the remaining sts.

LEFT GLOVE: Knit the same as the right glove.

PREPARATION: Sew the gloves together.

Get started on new stitches. You can also find a pattern for knit stitching here. Also try knit cap, knit poncho or knit tube scarf.

Videotipp: This is how a mesh test works

Basic Family Knit Mittens (May 2024).

Mittens, Knitting Patterns, Knitting Patterns, Do It Yourself, Christmas Present, Back, Knit, Make Yourself, Gloves, Turquoise, Mittens