James Blunt

Dear ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, why are you getting bigger and bigger on TV?

Dear James Blunt, You're right: When you undress slowly in your video for "You're Beautiful" and finally jump into the water, the viewer thinks: What a great guy! You are just rock solid 1.72 meters tall. "Size can only be determined in relation to other objects," explains Bernd Steinbrink, Professor of Media Technology in Kiel. So if you're standing alone in front of the ocean in your video, the brain can not guess how tall you really are. If you stand next to Thomas Gottschalk (1.93 meters), we have a scale. It also works on television with different camera settings. Rarely do we see the protagonist in the long shot, but more often in the close-up. As a result, the scale is lost. Just because someone is prominent, we do not perceive him the same size, says the media psychologist Sabine Trepte. Gerhard Schröder (1.74 meters) and Prince (1.57 meters) also had to see this, which helped a bit. One of them stood on a TV screen in 2001 on a box to be just as tall as his interlocutor. The other came to the video shoot with just a pair of heel shoes and was looking for extra small background dancers. But how important is size anyway? "There are no results that show that larger people are more successful," says Sabine Trepte. But beauty is a career maker. And that, dear James Blunt, is a fine thing. Because we think: you're beautiful. Your ChroniquesDuVasteMonde

James Blunt - You're Beautiful (Video) (May 2024).

James Blunt, Kosovo, Grammy Awards, culture, people, music, entertainment, singer, james blunt, men, questions, answers