Impure Skin: That's what you need to know about acne

Whether before a date, a job interview or on vacation: pimples always appear when you least expect them and, above all, least need them. But before you run into the drugstore or pharmacy and outfitted with countless anti-pimple products, you should be aware that not every acne has the same cause and is treated the same. Acne can occur in different places on the body: on the forehead, the back (then we call it also Bacne) or the chin line.

Acne: cause and treatment methods

Incidentally, a persistent rumor is that acne occurs only in puberty. This also adults can suffer from pimples. Many are so desperate and frustrated that they try not only numerous preparations, but also alleged panacea or creative techniques. It is important to first understand what causes acne and how to treat it. And then you have to be patient: acne does not disappear overnight. Even if the skin's appearance has improved immensely, it means staying in touch and continuing to provide the skin with the care and ingredients it needs to stay in balance.

Acne also develops on a variety of body parts. Depending on the region, the treatment methods may vary. For all pimples but applies: Never lend a hand. Inflammation and, in the worst case, scars can be the result of wrong handling. Therefore, it is important to leave the treatment of acne to a professional, such as a dermatologist or beautician.
We show which body parts acne can develop and how to treat them effectively. Here you read everything about the causes, treatment methods and skin care:

What to do about acne? These tips help:

Treat acne on the forehead

Acne on the forehead can range from blackheads to pimples to inflamed nodules under the skin. Conventional peels and heavy scrub usually only aggravate the acne, because the skin is heavily degreased and irritated and produces more sebum. Instead, a combination of mild cleansing and creams with retinoids is recommended to deal with the clogged sebaceous glands. Retinoids are derived from vitamin A acid and are stronger than conventional peeling agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Important: Retinoids make the skin sensitive to light. The creams should therefore be applied over night and during the day a sunscreen must be applied.
If the acne is mainly on the forehead line, headgear or hair care products may be responsible for the pimples miseries. Friction may cause the hair follicles to ignite and prevent sebum from coming to the surface. Oily shampoos and conditioners can also lead to clogged pores.

Treat acne on the nose

The nose belongs together with the forehead to the infamous T-zone. Those who are prone to oily skin will often shine here and discover large pores or even blackheads in the mirror. This is because the skin produces a lot of oil here and quickly clogs the sebaceous glands. As a result, pimples form. As with the forehead, a mix of mild cleansing and creams with retinoids promises the best results to fight acne in the long run.

Treat acne on the chin

Acne in the lower part of the face, ie on the chin and along the jaw, is hormonal and genetic in most cases. The pill can help to get at least the hormone situation under control. Genetic acne often occurs only in adulthood. Here it is important to treat the skin thoroughly, but not too aggressively. If the skin becomes too dry, even dead skin cells can lead to blockage of sebaceous glands. Dermatologists recommend cleaning with products containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). The acid gently removes sebum and dandruff without irritating the skin too much. Subsequently, the skin should be supplied with sufficient moisture. Important: The cream should be anti-comedogenic, so that blackheads and pimples get no breeding ground.

Treat acne on the back and chest

Pimples on the back and chest often hang together with poor cleaning. On the one hand, because it is difficult to reach some places, and on the other, because you sweat through physical activity. Sweat can erode the hair follicles, which in turn can lead to inflammation. Therefore, it is extremely important to take a shower immediately after exercising - preferably with a shower gel containing salicylic acid. This cleanses the pores deep, removing dandruff and sebum. For oily shampoos and conditioners, care should be taken to thoroughly wash away any remains on the back and chest - these too can lead to clogged pores. After showering creams with fruit acids (AHAs) are very well suited.Even benzoyl peroxide works - but bleaches the clothes.

In sports itself, if possible, care should be taken not to wear too tight clothing. The friction can also lead to aggravation of acne.

Treat acne on the butt

The good news in advance: acne on the butt does not exist. Nevertheless pimples on the butt are of course annoying! They usually occur because small hair follicles ignite. After all, on our butt sometimes a very nice load - namely that of our body. It is best to avoid rubbing clothes and regularly exfoliate the skin on the buttocks. So the hairs can not even ignite.

9 Skincare MISTAKES That Can Make ACNE & Large PORES Worse! (Ft. Wishtrend TV) (May 2024).

Pustules, acne, blackheads, skin, drugstore, pharmacy, acne treat, pimples, impure skin, blemishes