Heavy infection! Jürgen Drews is in the hospital

Concern for hit star Jürgen Drews ("It was all best"): As reported by the "Bild" newspaper, Drews is in the hospital. The reason for this was a severe gastrointestinal infection. Previously, the 73-year-old had to cancel two concerts? one in Harsefeld in Lower Saxony and one in the "Megapark" in Mallorca.

A spokeswoman for Drews told "Bild":

Jürgen has a very serious gastrointestinal infection. He gets infusions.

Drews now has to undergo extensive investigations. As the paper continues, Drews is neurology. How long he has to stay is not yet clear.

Already on Saturday, but already the next show is booked. Then Drews should occur in Wilingen in the Hesse. The day after Drews in the ARD show "Again and Again Sundays" in Rust in Baden-Württemberg to see.

Videotipp: Well, do you recognize this MEGA star as a child?

Death Feast 2010 Severe Torture - Endless Strain Of Cadavers (May 2024).

Jürgen Drews, Infect, Jürgen Drews, Hospital