If you go through THAT together, you are destined for each other

You buy furniture together

Phew, have you ever been to Ikea together and NOT gotten in your hair? Respect! If you then manage to set up the apartment together, nothing can go wrong. Because that shows you: You are the kings of consensus - or can make super compromises.

You bring the families together

We all know how difficult it is to meet the partner's parents for the first time - and to like each other. The second hurdle is to bring the families together. Does that happen without major disasters - Congratulations! Then the wedding can come soon!

You're going on vacation for three weeks

According to the Society for Scientific Conversational Psychotherapy, every third divorce is filed after the holiday together. Sip. So, if you have already taken one or more extended holidays, nothing can separate you so quickly.

You are ill for a long time

If a partner is in pain for several months or unable to work, it is a big burden on the partnership. Who passes through this together knows that we can always rely on each other, even in difficult times. Such experiences can weld together forever.

You quarrel with the partner's friends

Of course, if you get in the hair with your best friend, that does not leave the relationship untouched. The partner suddenly stands between the chairs. If you survive such a crisis, it shows that you are holding together and defending each other.

You do not see each other for several weeks

He is abroad for a long time and you see yourself only once a month? That is hard! But doable. If the long-distance relationship is over, it's usually twice as good. Because after a long abstinence you know to appreciate the togetherness more and have the good feeling: We belong together - whether we are in one or in separate places.

You fall in love with another

Of course, one swarms sometimes for another. This is completely normal. It turns out a bit more, it's critical. If you or your sweetheart resists the strange flirt, that is a good sign. And make sure you are strong for the future.

Destined Together || gacha life || S1 E1|| *original * (July 2024).

Dream couple, furniture, IKEA, relationship, hurdles, crises, master, for each other, determined