I want to lose weight - questions and answers

For two weeks you, dear users, were able to ask your questions on the topic "I want to lose weight" in the Bfriends Forum. And got answers from the expert of ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet coach. We summarized the most interesting topics for you here.

Also in January there is again a free expert action in the Bfriends forum. Join in and ask your questions, the action runs until January 13, 2012.

What is the "fat-free mass"?

At Golda, the fitness center regularly controls weight and BMI. In addition, water, body fat percentage, muscle percentage and fat-free mass are measured. Golda wants to know how important these special values ​​really are.

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet coach:

One reason why your gym raises these metrics at regular intervals is because you can compare how and if something has changed in your body. The chemical-biological model of body composition distinguishes body fat, body water, proteins and minerals. The latter three are also known as "fat-free mass". In order to be able to assess the change in terms of body composition, the components of body water, body fat percentage, fat-free mass and muscle percentage are determined. Because please note: The weight on the scale alone is not very meaningful, considering that muscle mass outweighs fat mass.

Nevertheless, and fortunately, there is also the personal feel-good weight. As you tell us, you are very satisfied with your muscle mass, although according to the gym, this has not yet reached its optimum. The personal feeling is also a very important factor for the health of our body and should not be ignored.

The detailed wording to "I want to lose weight - questions and answers" in the Bfriends forum

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Endurance training also strengthens the muscles - right?

This time it really makes sports and has already decreased with swimming, aqua fitness, BBP and cycling. Now she is unsure whether she may train the one-sided endurance - especially since you should also do strength training, as it is always called. What is meant by weight training? Does not every step in cycling, every move in breaststroke build up muscles in legs or arms?

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet coach:

In sports, it should be noted that at a lower exercise intensity more fatty acids are mobilized from the depot fat, as it is the case at high load. Recommended are therefore longer and less intense loads, preferably as a combination of a sports program and increased everyday activity.

Suitable sports with high energy consumption and, above all, protect the joints are, for example, swimming, aqua fitness, cycling, hiking, walking, cross-country skiing and rowing. Strength sports such. B. Weightlifting is not suitable because it can quickly lead to injuries in untrained people.

The sports you describe are mainly in the endurance zone. Here, strength and endurance are combined. A good example is the BBP gymnastics, in which the problem areas abdominal, legs, buttocks are trained by continuous (persevering) repetitions with a high expenditure of energy. Strength training strengthens the figure and increases energy consumption. Therefore, in addition to the endurance training about two training sessions per week, in which the strength is trained, highly recommended.

The detailed wording to "I want to lose weight - questions and answers" in the Bfriends forum

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If the kilos are like "stapled"

In May, Montypython has changed the diet and thus relatively easily lost nearly 4.5 pounds. For more than four months, the weight stagnates or is unstable. Despite continued low-fat diet, lots of exercise and enough sleep, the kilos sit like "festgetackert". Can it be the medication that Montypython needs to take? There has been no satisfactory answer from the doctors so far.

This answers the expert from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet coach:

Anyone who has ever wanted to lose weight knows your problem. After a weight loss of several kilos, it may eventually come to a weight loss. When and how long it lasts varies for each person. The basic problem is that the metabolism has adapted to the current behavior and thus no negative energy balance can be achieved.

We encourage you to follow the tips below to get your metabolism back on track:

- Do you have a heart rate monitor with a calorie counter or a pedometer? These are two good control instruments for the movement part. The calories you should have consumed in a week by intensive training at least 1500 kcal. Then a weight loss of 500 grams to 1 kilogram per week is possible without reducing the calorie count when eating. If you have a pedometer, you should do at least 10,000 paces per day so that you can influence your body weight. - The minimum calorie count to reduce weight is 1500 kilocalories per day when exercising in women. Control your calorie intake and adjust if necessary. - If you do not have any health problems, make a fruit, rice, vegetable or potato day. This ensures that excess water is flushed out of the body. - Continue your diet and exercise, and give your body some time. Maybe after some time the weight goes down by itself. Just do not despair, then you tend to eat more again.

Depending on your medication, you may need an individual diet plan that is tailored to your needs and based on an individual calorie level determined for you. Addresses of nutritionists are available from your health insurance.

The detailed wording to "I want to lose weight - questions and answers" in the Bfriends forum

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Sweet hunger - are drugs to blame?

Sweet hunger is a big topic for Ang00. She has to take psychotropic drugs, which increases the sweet hunger. Within two years she had increased extremely. Since then, she keeps her weight with sports and diet and asks Tips on how to master the sweet hunger attacks.

This answers the expert from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet coach:

Psychotropic drugs are not always the trigger for sweet hunger. We recommend that you examine and check some other causes of sweet hunger.

1. When was the last time you ate something? How many hours is it back? It is best if every 2-3 hours something is eaten. This prevents starvation and thus also a rise of cravings and sweet hunger attacks.

2. Which foods are you most craving for? Think of healthy alternatives for it. If you fancy gummy bears, chocolate, etc., try a fruit salad made from sweet fruits or a natural yoghurt with fruit.

3. What did you eat during the day? Did you eat only "light" foods that did not really fill you? Probably the amount was too little overall. Try high-protein foods, as they will fill you up and will not make you want to eat something sweet.

4. Are you too strict with yourself? Are you even banning foods that you like most? You should absolutely avoid this, because a permanently suppressed pleasure in something sweet can really trigger a binge.

5. Is your desire for something sweet possibly a substitute for something else? Are you trying to reduce stress through eating, or are you lacking in relaxation? Do something for yourself that will do you good. For example, a wellness evening, a cinema visit with the girlfriend, a relaxing walk in the countryside.

The detailed wording to "I want to lose weight - questions and answers" in the Bfriends forum

Dr. Oz on Weight Loss (May 2024).

Sweet hunger, BMI, slimming, diet coach, I want to lose weight, questions and answers