"I do not care": Melania Trump provokes with Zara jacket

First Lady Melania Trump, 48, visited a home for refugee children on the Mexican border on Thursday. But not her visit made the most headlines, but the olive jacket that she wore at departure and her return.

The parka is said to be a part of Zara? which in itself is amazing, since Melania usually tends to resort to high-priced designer pieces. But what caused much more irritation was the white lettering on the jacket.

On his back was read in large white letters: "I really do not care? Do u?" In German this means something like: "I really do not care, do you?" 

Melania Trump wears "I do not really care" jacket during immigration trip //t.co/kZMv476WIh pic.twitter.com/uf7M20i4R6

? Variety (@Variety) June 21, 2018

What she does not care about husband and US President Donald Trump (72) tried to clarify later via Twitter. However, he could not prevent the heated discussion about his wife's choice of clothes.

Countermovement #IReallyDoCare

Was the jacket a political statement, just a garment or a swipe at husband Donald? The US President tweeted about this:

The lettering 'I really do not care? and you?' on the back of Melania's jacket refers to the fake news media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she really does not care anymore!

? I REALLY DON? CARE, DO U ?? written on the back of Melania's jacket, to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how to dishonest they are, and she truly cares no longer!

? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 21, 2018

Critics, however, interpreted the lettering in two ways. Some suspect that Melania is really not really interested in refugees? which would have made their visit to the Children's Reception Center a farce. Others believe in a message to their spouse.

What additionally fueled the speculation: On the day of departure it was so warm in Maryland, that actually no jacket would have been necessary.

But no matter what the First Lady wanted to express with her jacket? the echo in media and social networks is great. And it is already forming a counter-movement. "The Big Bang Theory" star Mayim Bialik (42) published a picture of the olive green jacket with a new logo on her Twitter account: "It's really important to me and that's why I vote in November!" For this she set the hashtag "#IReallyDoCare".

#IReallyDoCare pic.twitter.com/aHHqLC8moX

? Mayim Bialik (@missmayim) June 22, 2018

In any case, one thing is certain: the media attention that Melania receives will probably not have been a coincidence.

First Lady Melania Trump has sparked she was spotted with 'I Don't Really Care' Jacket Before Visiti (June 2024).

Melania Trump, Donald Trump, Twitter, Melania Trump, Donald Trump, Mexico, Fashion