How did she do that? This woman looks like 18 at 42

Wrinkle free? how does this work with 42?

She looks like a teenager, but this woman will soon be unbelievable 42 years old. Lure Hsu lives in Taiwan and is now a real internet star. Nearly 280,000 fans follow her on Instagram. She posts travel, fashion and beauty tips from her glamorous life and poses in a hip girlie manner. Before Lure Hsu, any aging process seems to cringe? but how does this woman do that?

Now it's getting frustrating. According to their own information, the following factors are responsible for their youthfulness:

  • little to no sugar
  • much water
  • Many vegetables
  • diligent sunscreen creams (with maximum UV filters between 50 and 100)

No secret recipe that we did not know yet. Nothing we would be willing to imitate immediately (drinking water and creaming would be okay - but the sugar waiver?!?).

But we know that the skin of Asian women ages differently, until the age of 50, they are largely spared wrinkles. After that, Asian skin ages much faster than European. Researchers have found out: As young as 50, Asian women are ten years younger than Europeans of the same age. Nevertheless: Lure Hsu is an (Internet) phenomenon.

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A post shared by ??????? (@lurehsu) on Apr 22, 2017 at 9:41 pm

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A post shared by ??????? (@lurehsu) on Apr 20, 2017 at 5:51 pm

Guess My Age: 3 Women's Ages SHOCK the Studio Audience | Rachael Ray Show (May 2024).

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