From sweet tooth and earworms: What tourists love about our language

Foreign tourists often find the German language coarse and aggressive. "Flash war!" or "Attention!" is often bellowed when it comes to illustrating her character. "When Germans talk to each other, it sounds like arguing", we get to hear again and again when traveling. But probably because of the fact that Germans in Hollywood are usually filled in the form of barking Nazis. And these films are seen around the globe.

The Brit Edward Wood sees it all very differently. He moved to Berlin as a language teacher and translator because he loves the German language as he says. From sweet tooth and earworms - he homely charms his seven favorite German words with animated graphics:

The sweet tooth

What is referred to in English as "sweet tooth" is the cat that likes sweets? although cats are not exactly famous for attacking sweets and chocolates. Serve in between the fishbone or the milk - but like the four-legged sweet tooth like.

The ignorance

The ignorance of Edward Wood is because of the many syllables that are glued together for the word.


"Stubborn" means in English "pig-headed". Talking about porkheads, we again find funny: "God, you must always be so pig-headed!"

The head cinema

Imagine the near future like a movie? Only the technology-loving Germans can do that ...

The earwig

Edward Wood likes the catchy tune because he crawls around in his head and is always ready to fill an uncomfortable silence with humming.


Huch, again something fell down! The Germans are considered less graceful, rather than clumsy. That's it, the word is much nicer.

The crazy idea

The idiot finds Edward Wood funny because we Germans make a good (or not so good) idea of ​​alcohol intake. (What else?)

And what are your favorite words? We collect in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde community!

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Kat Edmonson- Lucky (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) (May 2024).

Earwig, Berlin, Streit, Hollywood