Food combining: What is good for the diet?

Which principle is behind food combining?

Behind the food combining theory is the assumption that over-acidification (caused by the combination of carbohydrates and proteins) of the body can lead to obesity, hypertension and diabetes.

To get the acid-base balance back on track and get lean, inventor William Howard Hay has laid down two basic rules:

  1. Foods of the carbohydrate group and egg whites must be eaten separately. Foods that contain both ingredients in large quantities should be completely eliminated. Meant are about legumes or sausage. In addition to the carbohydrate and protein-rich foods, there are still so-called neutral foods, which may be counted to both food groups.
  2. Rarely mentioned, but still a part of the food combining: The meals should consist of three quarters of base-forming foods, such as salad and vegetables. Acid generators, such as milk, meat, fish or cheese, can only make up a quarter of the daily requirement. Between meals there should be a break of three to four hours each. A snack is not allowed during this break.

The food is therefore divided into three groups:

  • carbohydrate group: Cereal products such as bread, black bread, pasta, cakes, wheat flour products, rye, potatoes, rice, sugar, bananas etc.
  • protein group: Meat, fish, seafood, dairy products with a fat content of less than 50 percent, milk, yogurt, quark, cheese, soy, eggs, nuts, fruits etc.
  • Neutrale group: Vegetables, lettuce, avocado, blueberries, melons, fats, dairy products with at least 60 percent fat, peanuts, mushrooms etc.

How well does the food combining in practice?

The food combining treatment calls for a strong change in traditional food habits. So no spaghetti bolognese, no Schnitzel with potatoes and no bread with cheese. Instead, you can combine the meals differently, as long as you do not mix proteins with carbohydrates.

Overall, the recipes that come in the separation plan are very healthy, as vegetables and salad can always be chosen as a side dish. Calorie numbers (kcal) do not matter at all in the weekly schedule and the corresponding table. Those who strictly adhere to the guidelines should see a few kilos tumbling through the food-freeze diet. After all, the food is healthy and greasy meat is largely dispensed with.

A typical food combining day could look like this:

In the morning: Carbohydrates in the form of carrots and cinnamon muesli or rolls with honey.

noons: Iceberg and corn salad with turkey breast strips

in the evening Carbohydrates in the form of risotto.

snacks: You are allowed to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, after all, the "Basenbildner" make up three-quarters of the daily food intake. Important: Drink a lot! For example, water or unsweetened tea.

What criticism is there on the food combining concept?

The theory that proteins and carbohydrates are digested separately is not scientifically proven, Several foods contain both protein and carbohydrates and fats that are digested at the same time, complains the German Society for Nutrition (DGE).

According to DGE, hyperacidity in conventional mixed diets is therefore not to be feared since the human buffer systems keep the acid-base level in the body constant.

Nutritionists also criticize the diet concept that the food is not suitable for a loss of weight, as it is also the amount of calories (kcal) when losing weight. And not just the combination of the respective foods. Certain foods would also be assigned to certain groups at will. So potatoes or cheese not only contain carbohydrates, but also lots of protein (and calories).


Despite all the criticisms, one has to take the biscuit concept into account: vegetables, fruits, lettuce and little meat result in a healthy, low-calorie and low-fat diet. As a result, of course, the levels of fat in the blood drop, which in turn has a positive effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Nevertheless, the form of nutrition is not suitable especially for pregnant women or children, as it can lead to a lack of iron, calcium and iodine.

You are looking for even more diets without counting calories? Discover the Atkins diet and the latest trend: Slender sleep!

Food Combining Diets: Does it Work? | UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (May 2024).

Carbohydrate, protein, diet, nutritional concept, diet, diet change