Finally! Tommy Hilfiger and Target bring out collection for people with disabilities

Tommy Hilfiger and Target set signs

Tommy Hilfiger and Target set an important example and bring out fashion that adapts to the needs of people with disabilities.

More specifically, Hilfiger's Adult Items feature openings and special stitching to help caregivers easily dress their patients. In addition, the fashion magnetic locks, which are easier to open. The collection comprises a total of 70 pieces for men and women. There are no pictures of things yet.

Fashion for children with handicap

And the US department store chain Target also sees the need for clothing for people who would otherwise not necessarily find in normal shops. According to Target brings out a 40-piece collection for children, which is already sold from 22 October. The line includes jackets, trousers and T-shirts, which are equipped with additional zippers, snaps or openings on the back.

"We've heard from our customers and employees that there is a need for variable-size clothing for children that is both fashionable and affordable," explains Target on the official site.

One Company Created A New Clothing Line For This Heartwarming Reason— Now Everyone's Talking (May 2024).

Fashion, Collection, Disability, Clothing, Tommy Hilfiger