Easier to lose weight: cake instead of pizza

Optical Ilusion

Dear pizza as a cake? Not always. For thin snacks like pizza or tarte flambée we underestimate the portions easily. And overestimate them on more massive parts like pie. That takes its revenge on the calories. For example, a piece of cream cake (120 g) has "only" 375 kilocalories, half a pizza salami (180 grams) a whopping 474 kilocalories. In this case, you can easily lose weight with the cake. Conclusion: Calorie mountains do not always grow in the sky.

Watch night owls

If you go through the night, you will often find yourself in front of the fridge again, because lack of sleep increases your appetite. If you drag yourself tired through the day, you can count on it: it hardly moves and burns fewer calories than usual. Conclusion: Well-rested people have an easier time losing weight.

Height is good

Whether sparkling wine or juice: we drink more from tall glasses than from tall, narrow ones. A study shows that we automatically charge less in high glasses than in wide ones, even if the same amount fits in both. Conclusion: A good reason to dispose of grandma's champagne bowls.

One to ten

You can not stop with the bag of chips or the chocolate bar until everything is plastered? Then you should murmur a mantra: "The tenth bite tastes no better than the first." Is also a good strategy for those who turn into buffets and then resent them. One, take a maximum of two bites per dish, then you can relax and enjoy the whole range. Conclusion: Less allows more.

Imagination is full

We believe what we see. Study participants were shown either a large or a small portion of fruit, which they would then be served as a smoothie. In fact, all participants got only a small portion. Those who thought they had drunk the larger smoothie felt fuller. Conclusion: Imagination can make you slim.

mind games

You can not stop with chocolate? Imagine that you would eat 30 of them in succession. Then take a pack and sip one lens at a time. Betting that you are satisfied with well less than 30? That's what the study participants at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania felt about. Conclusion: Fantasy is more beautiful than food.

Green is the hope

If a fatty dish is garnished with lettuce leaves, the meal is estimated to be 43 calories lower than without foliage. This went in a US study especially weight-conscious people like that. Conclusion: Do not be fooled by the decoration, the chop has a lot of fat - with or without salad garnish.

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY - weight loss pizza, muffins recipes + more easy healthy ideas (May 2024).

Pizza, lose weight, figure, healthy, calories, diet, tricks, slim