Drink mulled wine and do good

Sometimes we wish we were better people. Would help out in the soup kitchen on the weekend, give shelter to abandoned animals and demonstrate for world peace. And then reality gets us. And that's because we have a cat hair allergy, and the weekend is somehow over before it even starts. And it's Monday again, and we have not done anything for peace.

Drink for a good conscience

Do you feel that way? Yes? Then we have the solution for you:? Drunk Do good? is the name of the campaign where you can drink mulled wine in eleven German cities for a charitable organization. The whole thing goes this way: You go and dump a mug of mulled wine or two or three. For every mulled wine you indulge in, one sponsor gives one euro to the donation pot. With ten sponsors so 10 Euro per cup come together. And the more you drink, the higher the donation. Last year, 37,100 euros came together? You can do a lot of good with that. This year, the 40,000 are to be cracked.

Now you just have to mark the 7.12 thick and bold in the calendar and then show up with many friends in their luggage at the agreed meeting place. And then: Up the cups!

Basic Cocktails - Mulled Wine (Glögg and Feuerzangenbowle) (May 2024).