Do children belong to a fulfilled life? Tell three generations

Our series: "3 generations tell"

In the editorial department, we regularly discuss topics that move and occupy us - about dating, love, parents, beauty, the meaning of life or about our relationship to the job. It is always noticeable that the different generations that are represented in our editorial staff tick differently.

That's why we created the series "Three Generations Telling" in which women from the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde cosmos have their say. It pays to keep looking back!

Today the kids are on it. We asked three women, "Do children belong to a fulfilled life?"

Sophie (21) believes that being mother is deeply happy

"I wish for children, not today, not tomorrow, but like in ten to fifteen years, I do not think children are the condition for a fulfilling life, but at the right moment with the right partner, children can enrich their lives in any case ,

I believe that the role of mother as a great emotional fulfillment that one does not feel in everyday life or in the job, and makes you deeply happy. The relationship between parents and children is unique, and I would like to experience it myself as a mother.

Nevertheless, I advocate the principle that inner fulfillment must first and foremost come from oneself, and that children should not be born into the world with the hope of a better life. That's why you should be clear about what exactly is behind your own desire for children.?

Susanne (31) knows: "I would be unhappy as a mother"

"Of course, children are part of a fulfilled life - for example, my sister, who always knew she wanted to be a mom, but basically children are NOT a compulsory part of a fulfilling life, otherwise all childless people (like Martin Luther , Kim Cattrall or I) failed existences and that's obviously nonsense.

I have understood enough Socrates to say: I know that I do not know what a fulfilling life is. But I have heard enough in myself to be convinced that I am happy to feel happy and fulfilled. And what I need, too. Kids just do not show up on my personal list.

On the contrary, at the top of my checklist for a fulfilling life are things like freedom, independence, enjoyment, fun, experimentation, travel, friendships, inspiration, self-discovery, appreciation. Of course I can not say for sure, but when I look around I get the impression that children would cost me one or two check marks on this list. In this respect, I can even say: I would have a child at the present time and in the next few years even in the middle of my fulfilled life.

So for some people, children are part of a successful life, not others. Everyone has to find out for themselves and decide what's right for them. "

Susanne (51) is ambivalent

"Like many things in my life, having children has two sides for me, I am very happy with my son, whom I usually find wonderful, but I do not think he is the condition for my happiness.

I think that my life would be more or less positive even without a child. Because, of course, children tie up a lot of energy, time and money, which is missing elsewhere? be it to develop creatively, to make a career, to engage in other people or to travel the world.

So my answer is no, I do not think children are necessarily part of a fulfilling life. Life can be empty and frustrating with or without children? or full and enriching. Children are not responsible for our happiness, but especially ourselves. "

Video tip: USA company allows parental leave for pets!

Three Generations of Spiritual Life-Givers (May 2024).
