dm provides with new care line for huge Shitstorm

Tattoos have always been very popular. Anyone who gets a fresh motive, knows that the skin needs special care afterwards. That's why you usually get special care products directly in the tattoo parlor or in a pharmacy. They ensure that the skin does not become inflamed, prevents swelling and keeps the color under the skin for as long as possible.

Now, the drugstore dm also offers a special care ointment and a care lotion for freshly tattooed skin. The products of the own brand Balea were developed, according to the manufacturer, especially for the care-requiring freshly tattooed skin. This should also prove the ingredients such as panthenol, shea butter and almond oil. These soothe the skin and ensure that the tattoos heal quickly, it says on the product description.

Shitstorm about care line: That's what the customers say

Which indignation the drugstore chain triggered with their tattoo products, so dm would have probably never expected. Because on the social media like Facebook, Instagram and co. It hailed strong criticism of tattoo lovers. Main criticism: The tattoo care line contains perfume. On Facebook, a user writes: "Since when does perfume have something to look for on fresh wounds (and nothing else is a freshly stung tattoo)? (...) People, just keep your hands off and take what your tattoo Artist recommends. "

Other users are also of the opinion that the products are simply just unnecessary, after all, you could just smear normal moisturizers or panthenol on the skin.

How sensible the new tattoo products of dm really are, let's face it. But it is clear that these have caused anything but enthusiasm in the customer.

#NEW Balea Tattoos #Tattoos come in countless colors and shapes. In order to best protect and enhance your own # art work, #Balea offers a new soothing skin care cream with 5% panthenol (especially for the needs of freshly tattooed skin) as well as a color-retaining care lotion with UV protection. You can now find the products in your dm market. Balea soothing care ointment 50 ml? 2,95 Balea color-retaining care lotion 200 ml? 3.95

A post shared by Balea (@dm_balea) on Feb 20, 2017 at 2:09 pm

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dm, tattoo, care, instagram, pharmacy