Crafting Tip: Refrigerator Magnets

The fridge magnets are pasted with your favorite paper - an idea from DaWanda Designer NI-KO.

Material: Body discs from the hardware store (here with 4 cm diameter) beautiful, rather solid papers to taste Magnets glue scissors

Optionally, you can still get "Diamond Glaze". This is a low-viscosity glue that you can apply to the finished magnets - then they shine very beautifully!

The desired paper cutout is generously cut and the body washes on one side thin, but evenly coated with glue.

Now place this with the coated side on the back of the pre-cut paper and press it with a slight twist - so the glue is evenly distributed.

After the glue has had time to dry, the protruding edge of the paper is cut off with sharp scissors. Turn the disc evenly!

On the back now a magnet is attached. Its diameter should be larger than the hole in the disc, so that the adhesive has enough adhesive surface. If you want to play it safe, use a power glue (for example Pattex). When the magnets have dried, you can apply "Diamond Glaze" to make the magnets shine.

DaWanda Designer NI-KO from Hannover is a mother of three boys - and sees the creative being as compensation for the everyday obligations. There are more products from her in her DaWanda shop.

More ideas ...

These magnets were not the truth yet? Or no time to DIY? Here you find even more fridge magnets from DaWanda-Designers.

DIY Crafting Repurposing Old Jewelry into Refrigerator Magnets (May 2024).

Tinker, Yourself, dawanda, creative, magnets, fridge