Cold wax stripes? so the application succeeds very easy!

The days are getting longer, temperatures are rising and summer is approaching. High time to remove the hair under the armpits, on the legs and in the bikini area. Whether wet razor, epilate, remove hair with sugaring or waxing? the range of options for hair removal is great. Above all, cold wax strips are a more convenient alternative to warm wax or sugaring. They do not need much preparation and are super easy to use.

What's so special about hair removal with cold wax strips?

Double-sided, pre-fabricated wax strips are heated between the palms, brought to the skin and pulled off abruptly. So the hairs and root are removed and remain on the sticky strip back. Cold wax strips need neither be heated nor burned compared to warm wax. After hair removal with the wax strips, the hairs are removed for about three to four weeks. The more often the application takes place, the less and finer the hair grows later.

For whom are cold wax stripes suitable?

Cold wax strips are especially suitable for women who want one as possible long, hair-free result. Sensitive people should refrain, however. Because the application is not painless and remain in comparison many wax residues stick to the skin, which favors irritation.

Cold wax stripes? this is how it works:

  1. The wax strip first between the palms of the hands, This keeps the hair better adhering to the wax.Tip: Who does not feel like rubbing, warms the cold wax strips in a water bath or simply reaches for a straightener. To do this, heat the iron to a low temperature and compress the two plates so that a five millimeter wide gap remains open. Through this you can draw the wax stripes.
  2. The strip now at the desired location Apply to the skin and carefully smooth in hair growth direction, After a short exposure time the strip pull off jerkily against the growth direction of the hair, Otherwise, the hair will not be removed carefully.
  3. Then remove wax residue and the skin treat yourself with sufficient care, Aloe vera gel or a fragrance-free cream containing panthenol or bisabolol soothe reddened areas.

Cold wax stripes? You should pay attention to this before and during the application

  • Cold wax strips are particularly suitable for hair on the legs. Beware of an application in the bikini area and armpit. This can quickly lead to redness, irritation and pimples.
  • Before it goes to the hair removal with cold wax strips, the hair should be a length of about five to seven millimeters to have.
  • Best before applying the strips the skin dust with baby powder, So the wax sticks better and the skin is less irritated.
  • The wax stripes either between hands, in a water bath or with a straightener, So the hair sticks better to the wax and can be removed.
  • In addition: The faster the cold wax strip is peeled off the skin, the less painful the procedure becomes.

How much do cold wax stripes cost?

For example, cold wax strips are available from Veet at dm for about six euros.

By the way: In the large ChroniquesDuVasteMonde test we present you with further methods of depilation. Further information about permanent hair removal, such as laser hair removal can be found here. You would rather shave your legs? Then here are some tips for you to have a perfect shave.

Videotipp: With this mini-workout you will be summer-ready in only 15 minutes!


Hair removal, waxing, epilator, razor, wet razor