Christmas 2018: The best SOS tips against stress before Christmas Eve

The countdown to Christmas is on! Especially in the last days before Christmas Eve and the holidays prevails in many instead of reflection rather hectic, stress and deadline pressure. The following anti-stress tips slow down everyday life, provide relaxation and spare energy reserves.

set priorities

It's time to prioritize. Essential things, such as arranging the Christmas tree or planning the Christmas dinner, should be at the top of the list if those points are not ticked off shortly before the festival. Who is still in the gift stress, should take a deep breath and consider whether it is really necessary for all relatives and acquaintances to have a little something ready. After all, it's more about spending time with the family and loved ones.

Take a break

Despite the hustle and bustle you should not forget to take time for yourself. A little walk or a round of yoga often helps you to do wonders. This helps to clear the head. In order to let the Christmassy stressed soul dangle, we also recommend massages and sauna visits. Even a hot bath guarantees pure relaxation. Our tip: bath salts with vanilla not only exude a wonderful fragrance, but also stimulate the production of the happiness hormone serotonin.


When preparing for Christmas Eve and feasting on the holidays, not everything has to be attached to a person! Team work is announced here. For example, anyone who cooks food at Christmas can write a shopping list and send their partner or sibling to shop. When decorating the tree, children are incredibly happy to help. In large families, it is also advisable to divide fairly among the siblings, who procured what gift for the parents, grandparents, aunts and Co. That takes a lot of load from the own shoulders!

Does that really have to be?

Whether church visit on Christmas Eve, goose on the first holiday or Advent brunch with the great aunt: each family has its own rituals and Christmas traditions. But these do not have to be done slavishly. Stress-free lives, if you only participate in the traditions that really mean something. Maybe you have then in the coming year again feel like the full program!

Christmas Day Mum SOS with Channel Mum & Iceland | Ad (May 2024).

Christmas Eve, Stress, Holiday, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas 2018, Stress, Stress Relief, Beauty