Children's birthday: 7 unnecessary worries every mother makes before

I think the stress started when my daughter became four. Before that, their birthdays looked more like this: A handful of toddlers rummaged through the toy mountain in the children's room, while the adults sat around and drank coffee.

But just before the age of four, the day suddenly became an event. Weeks before, there was no other topic and endless discussions about the guest list. The rising excitement of the child made me very frisky. What must a perfect birthday party look like? Suddenly I was thinking about decoration, the game program, cake recipes and the damned giveaway bag. The whole mom-makes-yourself-crazy-program, including headache attacks.

Meanwhile, I know that children's birthdays are a self-runner - and also make fun for parents, if they do not worry before.

So relax, these 7 typical worries are completely unfounded:

1. What if my kid is not kidding?

Yes, the birthday is the most important day in the Children's Year. A day, mind you, when the child gets presents, wears a crown, (almost) everything he wants, meets his best friends and gets stuffed to the brim with unhealthy things.

What is going to go wrong there?

2. What if the other kids do not have fun?

What does a group of children do in a room? She plays! If necessary, they also accept suggestions from adults. But as a rule, the little ones know best how they enjoy themselves. And a silly jumping dance can be as much fun as a pro clown performing tricks. Maybe even more.

Tip 1: Classics are classics because they always work. This also applies to children's games such as pot beating and The Journey to Jerusalem.

Tip 2: Let the children do something simple and play with them. For example, polystyrene flyers or sailboats.

3. What am I going to eat?

Even if we like to forget it: A children's birthday is not a gala dinner! You have neither Jamie Oliver to visit nor the Queen. Children are most happy anyway, if there is finally junk food at the party, so always with the fries (best from the bag, self-made organic potatoes do not appreciate the upset crowd).

And for baking: cake is always and no one will whine when he is mushy. Just make two different varieties and every kid will be happy. Most certainly.

Tip: Here are recipes for quick cakes.

4. Do I still need special effects?

Sure, you can also go pony riding, do a geocaching safari or do an astronaut training. But it works without it. Most children are happy to finally show their friends their own toys.

Tip: But what is always worthwhile, is a treasure hunt. Here you can also let off steam - with self-painted maps, a chic chest and funny surprises along the way.

5. I have no motto, children want a motto!

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