Because of "You are allowed"? Why light products do not work

For a long time it was not clear to me, but the brand name "You must" is simply total insolence. Why does any company tell me what I am allowed to do? I can decide that for myself. And then the slogan "I want to stay as I am". Pah. That does not make any sense. First, in my entire life (and I'm almost 40), I've only met about two women who really want to stay as they are. Second, why should I eat any semi-fat with less sugar, if I think I'm totally super. Most women do that because they want to look different. Or?

Personally, I've been avoiding everything that says "light"? unless it has something to do with lighting, That has different reasons. For example, I like cheese very much, but this tasteless, reduced-fat mass, that's not for me. I even think that one can not call this variant "cheese" at all. She has a lot more to do with rubber. It may be that this niche has developed a lot over the past decade, but I have never found anything delicous in the light cheese sector.

My grandma was right when she spoke of "good" butter

Although I detest it today, I used to like to eat a coke light for a wholegrain bread with light cheese and Lätta. At that time, in the '90s and early' 900s, such products were totally in. I thought that was healthy and thought that would make me slim or stay that way.I was as wrong as I was with the assumption that extremely thin plucked eyebrows give me an elegant touch.

By and by came out that it simply does not do anything to replace sugar with sweetener or to save fat at the peanut curls. Sweetener has been talked about for years, because there are studies that say it makes you fat rather than thin because it stimulates your appetite. Although they are already controversial, but that Aspartame and Co do not worry in the long run for a slim waist, is considered quite safe. In addition, fat-reduced chips do not necessarily have less carbohydrates, but just less fat. Since you can also reinhauen the Vollfettvariante

Ultimately, my grandma was right when she spoke of the "good" butter. It simply tastes better to me than any margarine in the world. And the tale that cholesterol is so damaging in it is now also refuted. I do not really care. All this light nonsense brings nothing and just does not taste good. Basta, If I actually thought I had to lose weight, then I would just eat less.

But since I just do not want that, I just keep buying "real" butter, cheese, chips with sugar and fat in it. I darf.

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