Animal rights activists steal nine-year-old dwarf rabbits

Neumünster: Suspected animal rights activists steal nine-year-old rabbit //

? (@shz_de) October 11, 2017

Who is doing that? Like every morning Kim (9) from Neumünster wanted to feed her two dwarf rabbits "Neo" and "Moritz"? but when she looked into the cage, the student overcame the shock. "I looked down from the nursery window and saw her horrified face ?, SHZ quotes the girl's father. Because: The beloved rabbit of Kim were gone!

"Now in a nicer place"

Instead, there was a letter in the stable."We have freed your rabbit from his prison. You are animal torturers! " should have been according to SHZ in the letter. And: "Rabbits are pack animals and need a lot of space! It now lives in a nicer place." It is unclear why the kidnappers only talk about one animal? Kim actually owned two rabbits. She misses "Neo" and "Moritz" terribly. ?That is so mean. Who is doing that ?, the nine-year-old asks sadly.

Signed is the confessor letter with the letters "A.L.F.". The abbreviation stands for "Animal Liberation Front", a militant animal protection association, which writes the liberation of animals in captivity on the flags. In the US, the group is labeled as an "eco-terrorist group".

Thieves threaten: "We are watching you!"

The family does not understand the motives of the thieves. "The rabbits are family members"says Kim's father. "They had it very good with us." The grandfather of Kim had specially built a large stable, with two floors and outlet area. Scary: The letter also contains a threat. "If you get a new animal, we will come to get it! We are watching you!?, It says in the letter.

Kim's father has now filed a complaint.

How to Know If Your Rabbit Is Sick | Pet Rabbits (May 2024).

Animal rights activists, rabbits