You do not feel like doing sports? That's the perfect excuse!

Sporty muffle are now an excuse richer because: A recent study by the University of Georgia in the US state of the same name has now found that the desire for sport is determined by our genes. But how is that possible?

Study: Happiness is crucial

Most people feel good after exercising? and are flowed through by feelings of happiness. In some people, however, this effect remains, as a study with 3000 subjects has determined. According to these people, the dopamine release after training is inhibited by a genetic disposition.

In the study, the training habits of the participants were scrutinized. and also measured the reactions in the brain. The result: Sportmuffel showed a genetic variation in the brain, which was accompanied by the same reduced release of the happiness hormone.

Study leader Rodney Dishman, a professor at the University of Georgia, said, "Huffington Post" at the American Physiological Society congress in Phoenix, "Along with certain personality traits, genes could explain why some people feel the natural desire to move and others do not. "

You do not feel like doing sports, but know that he would make you happy? Then this excuse will not work in your case!

NO EXCUSES - Best Motivational Video (July 2024).

Murder, Georgia