With these ideas you will simplify your mum life

The cuddling and playing with the kids, for example. Or just go to the bathroom in peace, drink his coffee WARM and wash your hair today (yes, it costs time!). Mother's Day can never have enough hours, and we often do not know when to cook, clean, do homework, or just do ANYTHING.

These tips will make it easier:

Make a list

Write down everything that needs to be done that day and then prioritize. The tasks can then be distributed well visible via Post-it. And everything that comes after number three may fall behind. Without bad conscience. Yes, I know ... But please try first. Some things go on the day after and some things are done by themselves. Who basically has more than ten To Dos? Slim down!

Be tough

Not to the kids and not to yourself! Think carefully about what you want to waste your precious time with. Experts say that most people spend at least an hour a day on pointless stuff. Learn to say "no" and let go (at the 10 To Dos for example).

Simplifies standards

Sometimes it does not help to cook fresh food every day, and instead often boil larger quantities and store them in the freezer. If things need to be done quickly, then the finished dishes only have to be thawed. Sometimes a recipe is also good for different variations: leftover pancakes can be filled with vegetables, cheese or meat the next day, bolognese tastes like noodles or chili and roast beef becomes a pulled beef burger.

Hang on

If you are mom, it becomes clear that you can not have everything perfect: Either the house is tidy and clean, or you ;-) So set out what you can live with and with which by no means? with the untidy bedroom, land under in the bathroom or the messy kitchen? You can not have everything. And that's ok too.

stick together

Not only your own family can be wonderfully braced, also the Mama-Clique can be helpful. Sometimes one buys one, then the other takes care of the children. We all have similar parcels to carry and sometimes it is easier to hunt together. Questions do not cost anything! And maybe the other person is also happy about that much trust.

Always on standby

Keys, diapers, paint things, water bottle, snacks, charger - have your most important seven things always packed and handy. If the worst comes to the worst you can quickly leave the house without having to search too long.


Brushing your teeth while the hair is being purged, playing a game at breakfast or in the car, doing household chores with the loudspeaker. Even better: send voice messages and listen whenever it suits! So you stay in contact despite stressful everyday life and different daily routines! And I have to admit that I often comb my daughter's hair or cut her nails while she does something else

♥️Decluttering 101 (How to Simplify Effectively & Realistically!) Minimalist Family Life (May 2024).