Why many women swear by yoga

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Pregnancy and yoga - the ideal combination for you. Why?

Patricia Thielemann: Yoga is great for relieving the common and unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, such as low back pain, heartburn and heavy legs. To be able to carry the extra weight during pregnancy, you also need strong muscles. In pregnancy yoga, especially the legs are trained to relieve the body. On the other hand, abdominal and back muscles, which otherwise play a major role in yoga, must not be additionally stressed during pregnancy. Abdominal exercises would unnecessarily weaken the pelvic floor, as well as stress the baby and even lead to premature labor.

Regular yoga training should also facilitate the birth. How does this work?

In a birth, strength and dedication intermesh. You need strength to give birth to a child, but at the same time, you must be able to let go so the body opens. However, many women instinctively respond to labor pain by cramping it. Thus, they impede the baby on the way out, instead of supporting it. The births therefore often take so long. In yoga one exercises to remain mentally and physically relaxed despite the effort. If that works well, the birth becomes a sensual-positive experience. One is then not at the mercy of his fears, but has the strength to face the challenge.

And after the birth?

Even after birth yoga is ideal - as a special postnatal yoga program. The mothers can start about six weeks after birth, when the first rehabilitation exercises with the midwife are finished. For a normal sports program, it is too early at this time. The pelvic floor is still weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, the joints and muscles are relaxed and the mothers often feel like they have "fallen apart". This does not change after a birth from one day to the next. That's why you should abstain from the usual training in the first six months.

In addition, the mothers are usually tired and exhausted because they have to get up at night every few hours to take care of the baby. A normal fitness class would be a great stress for them - which can also lead to a decrease in milk production.

Regression yoga takes into account all these factors. The woman has the opportunity to refuel and to find herself physically and mentally. It is important that the psyche is involved in yoga. The exhausting time usually begins for the woman only after birth - then, when no one gets up on the bus for her or ask about her health. She has to take care of the child, often has no time for her own needs and may feel uncomfortable because she has gained weight. Just when she is exhausted and feels she can not do it all, she regains confidence and confidence in yoga. For example, in the deep relaxation, which is to give the women feel, they are supported by a greater force.

Do women deal differently with pregnancy and childbirth today?

Especially in trendy Berlin districts, where shopping in the organic shop is part of the lifestyle of many people, there also seems to be a return to the natural about birth. The women no longer want to completely numb themselves with medications and then deliver the birth as efficiently as possible. Many deliberately do without a PDA for pain relief because they have learned through yoga to handle the pain better. They want to feel themselves and to experience the birth properly. There are many modern, hip women who today want to have as natural a birth as possible.

Beauty Gurus Swear by Face Yoga To Make You Look 5 Years Younger (April 2024).

Birth preparation, childbirth, yoga, labor pain, fitness, yoga, pregnancy, birth preparation