WHO: Vaccination opponents are among the biggest health hazards!

By 2020, measles should be eradicated worldwide? This was the aim of the WHO (World Health Organization). But nothing will come of that: instead of sinking, has the number of measles outbreaks increased worldwide? alone in 2017 by 30 percent. One of the factors contributing to this development, according to WHO, are parents who do not have their children vaccinated. That's why in addition to Ebola, antibiotic resistance, climate change and air pollution, WHO included in its new Top 10 list of major health threats in 2019 vaccine users.

According to the WHO report, one of the biggest problems: Who does not let himself and his children vaccinated, thus puts those in danger, which can not be vaccinated. These include, for example, children who are too young to be vaccinated themselves. So the measles spread over and over again.

Vaccination opponents as a worldwide threat?

In Germany, a vaccination quota of 95 percent would help to eradicate the measles. But this rate is missed every year? both in Germany and in other countries. It could be easy to reach them: The measles vaccine is free in Germany, safe and reliably protects against the disease.

Why do so many people forgo vaccination?

Especially through the Internet many rumors circulating on the topic. According to vaccinations, for example, to promote autism. However, researchers have already been able to refute this with studies. Also Vaccinations weaken the immune system of infants and these become more often ill, according to research results is not correct.

WHO plans educational campaigns

According to the WHO report, vaccinations prevent around two to three million deaths each year. If the desired vaccination quotas were reached, an estimated 1.5 million more people could be saved. That's why WHO is planning 2019 global education campaigns. In addition to measles, these include Poliovirus in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the goal of eradicating cervical cancer with the HPV vaccine. On the one hand vaccine opponents are to be convinced of the importance of the vaccinations, on the other hand also possibilities of prevention in areas with bad health care are shown.

Videotipp: The baby is ill? what to do?

California hearing on vaccination law draws crowds (May 2024).

WHO, health hazard, Germany, measles