• April 27, 2024

When do I have a fever? and what helps me?

When do I have a fever, when does it have an elevated temperature, when does it have normal temperature?

When our body reaches a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius (° C), we already speak of an elevated temperature. Fevers have adults from a body temperature of 38.5 ° C. For infants and seniors, caution should be exercised from a body temperature of 37.8 ° C. High fever starts in adults from 39 ° C.

The most reliable method is the rectal measurement - who with the clinical thermometer is not rectal, but in the mouth or under the armpit, adds 0.5 ° C at the determined temperature. 

Antipyretic: What helps against fever?

  • Handwarm calf rolls are ideal for reducing fever. However, these are only to be used if the person concerned has no chills. For the calf wrap, dip a linen cloth in lukewarm water, wring out and wrap tightly around the calf. Over it comes a cotton handkerchief to recite the moisture. Wrap a wool or terry towel around the lower leg as a final layer.
  • Drinking a lot is especially important for a fever! This is true for adults, but especially for children!
  • Bed rest and lots of sleep
  • Painkillers such as acetaminophen additionally reduce the fever and are often used by the doctors

When should I go to the doctor?

Especially in infants under three months, caution is advised: The body's immune system is not strong here, the doctor should be visited as quickly as possible. For infants under the age of two: If the fever lasts more than a day, a doctor is consulted. Adults go to the doctor if the fever lasts longer than two or three days. These are however guideline values? Those who suffer from symptoms other than fever, such as shivering, should go directly to the doctor to rule out serious illnesses such as the flu.

How does it get to fever?

Fever alone is not a disease and usually occurs in conjunction with other viral infections? most people may be aware of fever associated with a flu or a cold, however Other infections such as lung or cystitis can be the trigger for fever. Our body supports the immune system through the fever in the fight against the pathogens: An increased body temperature accelerates the metabolic processes of our body and thus prevents viruses and bacteria from multiplying.

Fever in children

In children, body temperature generally varies more often than in adults. They often suffer from an infection that causes colds and coughing and their body is constantly fighting against pathogens. However, an elevated temperature does not always mean a serious condition, but merely indicates that the body is trying to fight the viruses on its own.

How dangerous are febrile convulsions?

Three percent of all children between the ages of three months and five years experience a febrile seizure that usually lasts between two and three minutes. For parents, however, time often feels longer because of the symptoms: In a febrile convulsion, the child turns his eyes, the facial muscles, legs and arms can twitch. Sometimes the child even stops breathing for a short time, but this condition subsides very quickly, as the brain-controlled respiratory irritation in children is particularly pronounced.

The spasm itself can not prevent parents? Instead, they should ensure that the child can not hurt themselves by the twitching limbs (by edges, for example). It is best to put it on a free surface on the ground where it can not bump. Under no circumstances should the child be held!

The complicated fever convulsion

Really dangerous febrile convulsions are only if they last more than 15 minutes? the time can be controlled with a clock. If the spasm lasts longer than the normal two to three minutes, the rescue service should be called.

Are you suffering from a dry cough, a strong cough or a chronic cold? Or is your nose blocked? Our home remedies for colds, home remedies for cough and home remedies for sore throats can help!

Videotipp: So you get rid of your cold in 24 hours!

How To Treat A Fever In Adults | How To Get Rid Of A Fever In Children | Bring Down A Fever In Baby (April 2024).

Fever, infection, health, diagnosis, symptom