Wellness haters? Here are 5 alternatives

1st room smash 

Throwing dishes on the wall, destroying a TV and smashing furniture - that's clear. And without a guilty conscience. In the crash room in Berlin you can let off steam for 60 minutes with axes, hammers, chisels and golf clubs. If that's too hard, you can sign up for a cake fight. crash-room.de

2. Relax with pitchfork 

Get a good grip and do something good: In South Tyrol you can volunteer to help mountain farmers who are in need. Milking cows, clearing stables, catching crops - this frees up your head and makes your muscles tired. www.bergbauernhilfe.it

3. Back to nature 

Light a campfire with a flint, hit the compass through the forest, shoot with the crossbow - all things no one needs to know these days. But nice if you can do it anyway, right? In Survival Training you can play Robinson Crusoe for a weekend and banish everyday life from his brain. www.survicamp.de

4. Climb a mountain 

From above, the world looks quite different. If you stand breathing heavily at the summit cross and look up into the sky, you can not imagine that you had bitched the day before over an empty fridge. On the way back you will arrive hungry in a hut and in the evening you will fall happily to bed. New perspectives can be found, for example, on Germany's highest mountain: the Zugspitze. www.auf-die-zugspitze-wandern.info

5. Take off for a short time 

When flying in the wind tunnel, one's head is blown through so beautifully. While trying to control the almost 270 km / h air flow, the hair is flying and the skin on his cheeks and neck is cracking wildly. That makes for a really good mood - and afterwards you keep by far the best photos for the family album in your hands. www.erlebnisgeschenke.de/bodyflying/

Q&A!: Vegan meat alternatives, oil free and raw diets, tofu for tofu haters and more! (May 2024).