Week of pregnancy 28 (SSW 28): Now you can shop ??

This is how the baby develops in the 28th week of pregnancy

In the 28th week of pregnancy, your baby is about 1100 grams and 37 inches tall, It takes another 12 weeks until the calculated date of birth. And since newborns weigh on average about 3500 grams at birth, it says in the next few weeks: Increasing, baby! But mom also puts it on again: Most pregnant women take in the last trimester on average again five kilos.

In boys the testicles go straight through the inguinal canal and in girls the labia are still tiny. Only at birth, the labia minora are completely covered by the big ones.

Pregnancy Calendar: This happens in the 28th week of pregnancy with your body

The uterus is growing, the baby is still working hard and your belly will actually move forward in the next few weeks. When your legs get heavy and your fingers and feet go through water retention swell, we have in our article on the 27th SSW beneficial tips for you.

The special pregnancy hormone relaxin loosens the joints gradually, which increases pelvic pain can lead. Immediate relaxation brings in, for example exercise ball, or on hands and knees in the fours go. This removes the weight of the fetus from the pelvis and keeps it in a stable position.

Childbirth class? Hello new parents!

Now many are starting Childbirth classes, On the one hand a meeting with like-minded people, on the other hand for many the first intensive examination of the birthing process. For first-time mothers an exciting thing: Now they learn what you need templates in the puerperium, when is the right time to drive to the hospital by car and whether the favorite jeans (which you wore before pregnancy) really belongs in the latch pocket.

You can with or without your partner attend a course Weekend seminar book for birth preparation in a hospital or classic at one Midwife in a group practice, Those who are very insecure, are certainly better advised with the last variant, because in a birth preparation course, which goes over several evenings, the midwife can prepare more intensively for the birth and respond to individual questions.

Now you can shop!

Many pregnant women are still reserved in the first few weeks and first want to wait and see if everything is alright with the baby. Or they wait until the gynecologist recognizes the sex on ultrasound, then relieves the baby departments by a ton of pink. Anyone who has been reluctant, may now finally go to the preparations.

Bodysuits, rompers, jackets, sleeping bags, gauze towels, baby baths, pants, socks, shirts? let's face it: that's fun, right? We'll explain what you really need for the baby equipment!

Our tip for baby clothes: Baby clothes should be washed at least once before wearing them for the first time Detergents without fragrances!) getting washed. This allows pollutants to be removed from textiles. Another tip: Children's clothes from the flea market have usually been washed so often that pollutants are unlikely to get into it. Plus point: clothes from the flea market spare the budget.

28 Week Pregnancy Update | StyleNovice Bump Watch (May 2024).

Pregnancy week, trimester, obstetrics, midwife, baby clothes, uterus, initial equipment