Ultrasound Liposuction: A review

In the swimming pool Bettina K. * did not trust with her 94 kilos for a long time. The secretary from Cologne researched the internet and found a gynecologist nearby who offered ultrasound liposuction. The consultation went well, she trusted the doctor and agreed to an outpatient liposuction on the stomach. Cost: 4000 marks. A combination of tumescent and ultrasound liposuction was agreed. In this "humid" extraction method, an anesthetic saline solution is first pumped into the area to be aspirated (tumescere, lat. Inflated), after which the suspended fat cells are additionally smashed by means of ultrasound. A very common method. Then it was finally time ...

Sick instead of nice

"The procedure was performed in the morning without anesthesia and lasted about four hours I was lying on the table in the operating room, and in the presence of two medical assistants, the tumescent solution was injected first.After the injection of the solution, the abdomen was extremely swollen Then it was ultrasonically treated and aspirated, only the aspiration process was a bit painful, and after surgery I was taken home by a medical assistant. "

Why waive many happy years, when a few hours under the care of an experienced surgical team can change your life? (Quote "Privatklinik Vitalitas")

* The name has been changed but is known to the editors

"The procedure after the operation is very tedious: you have to wear a tight bodice with inserts, because after the operation there is still leakage through the wounds, it is very difficult to move in the bodice and every toileting became torture Hours after the surgery, I started to feel sick, I had a fever and my stomach was hot and swollen, I contacted the doctor on Sunday morning, and at my insistence came home for a home visit in the afternoon and got an antibiotic, but I got a fever again and the doctor referred me to the hospital on the sixth day after surgery. "

When liposuction in the abdominal area is very often in the next few days, a muscular-like feeling when moving. This is only unpleasant and does not hurt. Basically, almost all sports are possible after one week. (Quote "private clinic Dusseldorf")

"All in all, I was in the hospital for five weeks, and on the day of admission I rinsed over the existing surgical openings, two days later the abdomen was hard, red and swollen, then surgery was performed, the tissue removed and the wound rinsed Bacteria (pneumococci, and later also enderococci) were specifically sealed, suction wound, the wound was kept open and a total of four surgeries were performed to remove the infected tissue administered intravenously antibiotics and analgesics. "

Complications are extremely rare and there is virtually no pain except for the sensation of a sore muscle. (Quote "Partnach Clinic")

Thereafter, Ms. K. was ill for months because she had problems with sitting. Less than half a year after surgery, she was fine again, but there were still days when she "wanted to die". Due to the massive intake of antibiotics, her immune system was severely attacked. She regularly received massages to help alleviate the hardening in her stomach. It is still unclear whether the swelling will disappear at all. The 30 centimeter long scar will keep her.

The number of women undergoing liposuction is increasing rapidly. Not only has "problem zone surgery" become affordable for many, the omnipresent discourses work as usual smoothly: The propagated beauty ideals, the promise of salvation, that an approach to these ideals is the guarantor of happiness and love, the glorification of youthfulness that a woman with Cellulite and fat pads barely allowed to find themselves beautiful.

But the seemingly small, trouble-free intervention is underestimated by many - by patients alike. The success of a liposuction depends largely on how well the doctor is trained and how much experience he has already gained. But the search for a serious surgeon is still difficult.

Risks and side effects

Many doctors and patients find it too easy to close their eyes to the fact that liposuction is an all-risk surgery. Since you penetrate only with thin cannulas in the areas to be sucked, superficially seen only tiny wounds. The impression is deceptive. Internally arise "enormously large wound surfaces, which are not to be underestimated," Dr.Gerhard Sattler of the Rosenparkklinik in Darmstadt. Added to this is the risk of thrombosis associated with each operation, as well as the risk of aesthetic deformations - not a few patients are sent home with dents that they can keep for the rest of their lives. It's also easy to forget that every wound has to heal for up to one and a half years. The case Bettina K. shows that there is always a risk of infection.

Ultrasound: Pros and Cons

Looks harmless, but it is not: The ultrasound machine

The experts' opinions differ on the method of ultrasound assisted liposuction, but it is used successfully. There is a danger in the great heat that can burn the tissue. While Prof. G. Spilker, director of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery in Cologne, has long since strayed from this "dangerous method", which often leaves behind "mountain and valley troughs", Dr. Ing. Oliver Meyer-Walters from Hamburg the method for good and useful - especially since the skin after an ultrasound liposuction very tight. For Dr. med. Sattler is the problematic in the method that ultrasound makes a clear-cut, without distinguishing between fat and connective tissue, lymphs and nerves - "like a forest fire". On the other hand, the ultrasound is given a certain "sticking effect" - the wounds should heal faster.

How do you find a reputable doctor?

The search for a reputable doctor is therefore difficult because "cosmetic surgeon" is not a protected term and any licensed doctor may perform aesthetic surgery. Expertise is usually taught in workshops, with specialists performing live surgery on ideal patients. This procedure leads according to Dr. Bolatzky makes every viewer think, "I can do that too". Therefore, the head of the clinic of the same name in Gelsenkirchen considers this "system of butter journeys" extremely dangerous. Quite a few physicians take a few weekend courses, put a suction device in the practice, and are able to offer aesthetic surgery. A dangerous overconfidence - and an irresponsible way to participate in the beauty business. "Everyone thinks that's no problem putting a hose in and sucking it off," Dr. Meyer-Walters, specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Hamburg.

In many places, therefore, the call for a seal of approval or certification system is loud. The German Society for Aesthetic Surgery, for example, calls for uniform quality standards: Strict rules and duties for further education should be used to create different fields of aesthetic surgery. Also Dr. Bolatzky argues for a uniform scoring system: "The doctor should have a training as a surgeon and have completed at least one year of training at a private clinic for surgery.The number of operations performed constantly should also be included in the evaluation, because each subject lives on experience "explains Bolatzky his request.

In general, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or aesthetic / plastic surgeon, which is no guarantee for a successful liposuction. A plastic surgeon who is busy sewing his hands in his daily routine in the clinic has not automatically gained sufficient experience with liposuction. The same applies to the question of whether such an operation should be performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis: While clinicians warn against outpatient liposuction, practicing physicians believe that outpatient procedures are not an increased risk. However, if you want to reduce the risk of postoperative complications, it is not bad advice to have the procedure done in a clinic. But that's not a guarantee either.

Tips for counseling

Ultimately, it is training and continuous liposuction experience that should be the deciding factor in the doctor's choice - not colorful brochures, big promises, and not the price: the cost of liposuction does not say anything about the quality of the surgeon. Until there is a certification system, potential patients are advised to visit at least three doctors for a consultation and always ask where and how long they have learned their trade. The doctor of your choice should perform routine liposuction routinely. As a guideline, at least four surgeries per week are considered here. Bolatzky. Questions from before-and-after photos and contact addresses of already operated patients should not be shunned by a reputable doctor. Counselors can first contact the medical association or their own family doctor, inquire about their experiences in the circle of acquaintances, or consult our beauty surgery forum.

Non Surgical Laser Liposuction Fat Removal & Body Sculpting (May 2024).

Ultrasound, field report, dream figure, Leidensweg, Cologne, liposuction, Gerhard Sattler, confidence, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, conditioner, liposuction, liposuction, beauty surgery, Lipo