TV Soaps: Felix beats at "GZSZ" with Philip

17:30, RTL: Below us

Vivien hopes to get away with her lawsuit. However, she does not suspect that Tobias collects evidence of her brother's drug addiction. Saskia is struggling with whether she should accept Marc's entry into Huber Bau without contradiction, because both Jakob and Ringo are not very enthusiastic about it. Roswitha does her utmost to win the bet against Rufus. In fact, it seems to record a record sales.

6:00 pm, RTL II: Cologne 50667

Diego fled to Jan. But Aurelie knows no boundaries - and seeks her friend there. When she sees Diego with two tourists, she completely freaks out. The quarrel gets completely out of control and a push changes Diego's life forever.

19:00, RTL II: Berlin - Day & Night

Leon is frustrated. The live consultation was a disaster. From now on, he wants to give everything to finally become a Dr. Sexgod to be perceived. But hardly a viewer gets lost on his side. Until Leon accidentally plays an audio recording of a hot night of love with Milla ...

19:05 clock, RTL: All that matters

When Isabelle Damian sees Pauline advertise, she is deeply hurt. Humiliated, she decides to destroy Damian despite her deal. After the drama about Ben, Vanessa appreciates spending time with her family. But of all there offers her a unique career opportunity. Meanwhile, Ben is caught by his friends. Nevertheless, the memory of Ekaterina keeps looking for him and does not let him come to rest.

19:40, RTL: Good times, bad times

Maren and Alexander happen to meet in a wellness center. Then she learns that Alexander has received an incredible offer. When Felix provokes Philip, the tension between the two unloads in a fight. When Philip meets Felix again at the hospital, they share an honest moment regarding their rivalry with Laura.

GZSZ: Das machen die Ex-Darsteller der Soap heute ???? | STARS (July 2024).

GZSZ, Cologne, RTL, RTL II, TV Soaps, GZSZ, Everything That Counts, Under Us, Berlin - Day & Night, Cologne 50667