Tinker snowflakes: we make a white Christmas!

"If no snow falls, we just have to make snowflakes", I thought to myself and thus pimped up our kitchen window. Do you want too? You only need white craft felt (size DIN A 4), nylon thread and scissors.

Fold a sheet of felt three times and cut it to make four equal strips.

Pick up a strip and fold it lengthwise. Now cut with the scissors in the open side again and again. When doing so, cut as close as possible to the closed fold.

After unfolding it looks like this!

Roll up a cut strip tightly.

Then place this roll on a second strip and roll up both together.

Tie a nylon thread around the rolls and then cut the snow globe into shape with scissors.

Finished! From a DINA 4-sheet felt you get two snowflakes.

Have fun with the imitation! "

Bine vom Blog What sews your own, photographs and draws like. Since 2006 she sells unique textile items for women and children under her label "Was own".

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (May 2024).

Snowflake, christmas