This app works with children's faces to make them more "beautiful"

When we discovered the app in the App Store, we could not believe it at first. There, the manufacturer "Slim Booth" advertises its Photoshop app - and presents "beautified" children's faces. Yes, that's right - children!

Photoshop app for kids - how irresponsible is that?

Of course, not only children's faces can be edited with the app. The app is also aimed at adults who want to bribe their photos. This allows the ears to be put on, the chin narrowed and the eyes enlarged. The slogan of the app is: "So you have to undergo any beauty surgery and also saves money and time!" To make the app even more attractive, advertises the provider with children's faces and takes these as examples:

© Slim Booth © Slim Booth

A 6 year old is the face of the app

If you want to download the app, then you laugh at a little girl who introduces the various functions. Incredible - and more than responsible by the providers! Young children should be spared from our adult beauty craze better.

Meanwhile, more and more voices are being heard, demanding that the photos with the underage girl be taken off the net. The fact that children are associated with a beauty app at such a young age should no longer be encouraged. The manufacturers of the app have not yet commented.

© Slim Booth

10 REAL Kids Who Were Born Creatures (May 2024).